WSU Tree Fruit

Codling Moth Management

fundamentals, control tactics, integrated pest management cartoon apples flowIPM Built on a Strong Foundation


cartoon quarter apple, fundamentals


Understanding the fundamentals of codling moth biology, pheromone traps, and degree-day models is critical for implementing control tactics. The fundamentals must be understood to effectively implement and adjust the control practices.

Biology and EcologyMonitoring and IdentificationPredictive ModelsSocioeconomic and Orchard Management

cartoon half apple, control tactics

Control Tactics

Successful IPM programs integrate control tactics and are flexible enough to adjust for seasonal changes in pest and beneficial insect populations. The most stable IPM programs take a multi-tactic approach, utilizing as many pillars of control as possible. IPM programs that don’t follow this strategy lead to programs that become inherently variable in performance.

AUTOCIDAL: Mating Disruption, Sterile Insect ReleaseCULTURAL CONTROL: Sanitation, Bins, NettingCHEMICAL: Resistance Management, Spray Programs, Sprayers

cartoon whole apple, integrated pest management

Integrated Pest Management

Codling moth control requires constant vigilance and focus on the fundamentals. There are no silver bullets for this pest, so all available control tactics must be used effectively year after year to avoid outbreaks. Because codling moth is highly mobile and multi-generational, an area-wide IPM approach is critical to everyone’s success.

Integrated Pest Management