WSU Tree Fruit

2020 Pear IPM Scouting

WSU Extension is scouting 12 orchards in the Wenatchee Valley to demonstrate integrated pest management in pears and ultimately provide a beneficial scorecard to assist producers and consultants with management decisions.  An additional four orchards are being scouted by collaborators at Oregon State University in Medford, OR.

Orchard blocks are managed conventionally, organically, or using an IPM program.

  • Conventional blocks are managed using a standard spray program used by the majority of the industry.
  • Organic blocks are established OMRI-certified orchards (they have been using organic management for at least 3 seasons).
  • IPM blocks are managed with a spray program that includes selective materials in order to boost natural enemy numbers.

All orchards contain primarily Bartlett and D’Anjou pear varieties (except Medford, which has primarily Comice pears).  Orchards are clustered geographically in order to make meaningful comparisons of insect populations. Click on the links below or to the left to see data from each location.

Yaksum Canyon

Turkeyshoot Road



Medford, OR