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Pear Day – North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days – 2025

January 21 @ 8:45 am - 3:30 pm

Join WSU Extension for the latest research-based information. 3 WSDA pesticide update credits. Hybrid In-person and Virtual event. Co-Sponsor Pear Bureau Northwest.

North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days

Join us for WSU Tree Fruit Extension Programs in North Central Washington. Co-sponsored by Northwest Cherries, Pear Bureau Northwest, NCW Fieldmen’s Association, Chelan Future Farmers of America and the Okanogan Horticultural Association. These events provide the latest research-based information on horticulture, pest and disease management. We hope you will join us to network and learn this winter. Apple, Pear and Cherry Day will be held in Wenatchee, WA January 21-23, 2025 with a virtual webinar option. Okanogan Horticultural Day Feb 6, 2025.


Events in 2025 will be held in person with a virtual option through zoom webinars for Apple, Pear and Stone Fruit Days.

Pear Day Topics

Session 1: Pest Management

  • Fire blight
  • What draws pear psylla to the orchard?
  • Selective programs for pear psylla
  • What we know about stink bugs
  • Codling moth reminders
  • Who is eating your pear pests?

Session 2: Resources for growers

  • NRCS, Conservation District, Xerces

Session 3: Production Quality and Profits

  • Optimizing irrigation
  • Pruning
  • And more …..


3 pesticide update credits will be available per day with WSDA approval.


Registration is required for virtual webinar attendance. Walk-ins okay for in person participation. In person event is free (sponsored, a $150 value). Thank you sponsors: Washington State University, Northwest Cherries, Pear Bureau Northwest, NCW Fieldmen’s Association. Virtual attendee registration fee ($30 for 3 day event) covers additional cost of audio visual technician/live streaming for event. Virtual registration here. Registered attendees should receive a confirmation from zoom the next business day.


Join us for the sponsored networking lunch sponsored by NovaSource/Tessenderlo Kerley. Provides an opportunity to learn and network with your peers and visiting speakers. Sponsored lunch limited to the first 100 attendees per day. Registration here.


Session 1: Pest Management
9:00 AM Fire blight
Achala KC, Oregon State University
Learning from new fire blight research in Oregon.
9:25 AM What draws pear psylla into the orchard in the spring?
Rodney Cooper, USDA-ARS
Psylla often leave the orchard in the fall to overwinter in conifers and return in the spring. New research on attraction to volatile compounds explains part of why they make the trek.
9:45 AM Pest management programs for pear psylla
Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension
Which products to use and avoid to encourage natural enemies. Timing. New products what do we know? How did IPM programs fair in 2024? Using thresholds. Importance of cultural controls. Economics of suckering.
10:15 AM What we know about stink bugs and related pests in IPM orchards.
Adrian Marshall, USDA-ARS
Stink bugs and box elder bugs can be a problem in orchards using few broad spectrum materials. Marshall will share biology and control for these and related pests.
10:40 AM Break
11:00 AM Codling moth reminders
Dani Gray, WSU
When using selective insecticides codling moth management including mating disruption and first generation controls is critical.
11:20 AM Catching natural enemies red-handed: Who’s eating your pear pests?
Rebecca Schmidt Jeffris, USDA-ARS
New research using gut content analysis shows us who is eating who.
11:50 AM Elections
12:00 noon Lunch (sponsored by NovaSource first 100 registrants)
Session 2: Resources for growers
1:00 PM Resources for Orchardists
Liz Jackson, Cascadia Conservation District; Lexi Gardener, NRCS; Michael Trier, Xerces Society
Session 3: Back to Basics: Optimize light, water, nutrients, cropload and minimize environmental stress.
1:25 PM Improving pack outs
Eric Zavala, Blue Bird
Breaking down the packout: common culls. How can we reduce them?
1:55 PM Optimizing irrigation panel.
Grower Panel. Facilitated by Erica Casa Grande. Panelists: Dave Brunett, Curtis Pusey.
Should I rush to turn on the water in the spring? Can my system deliver sufficient water for peak demand.
2:40 PM Pear Marketing: New Visions and Realities
CarrieAnn Arias, Pear Bureau Northwest
3:10 PM Closing and Pesticide Credits


To join the tradeshow please contact the NCW Fieldmen’s association at


Achala KC is an Associate Professor at the department of botany and plant pathology at Oregon State University. She is a plant pathologist stationed in OSU’s Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center in Central Point.

Adrian Marshall is a Postdoctoral Research Associate for the USDA-ARS TTFVRU in Wapato, WA. He began working on X-disease vector management in 2020 and has focused on cultural controls, leafhopper vector identification, and the pathogen transmission cycle within the leafhoppers.

Dani Gray is a WSU Extension Educator focused on integrated pest management.

Erica Casagrande Biasuz is a Sr. Technical Agronomist at Wilbur-Ellis in the Cascade Region. Her main responsibilities are the optimization of fertilization programs in fruit trees, and the evaluation of challenging orchards with a focus on developing tailored treatments alongside the water management team.

Elizabeth Jackson is the Program Director at Cascadia Conservation District, serving private landowners in Chelan County, WA. She leads the agriculture programs, offering financial and technical assistance to install conservation practices (irrigation efficiencies, native plantings, and more) and she assists farms to achieve the Salmon-Safe certification.

Lexi Gardner is a NRCS Resource Conservationist for Douglas county WA. Implements farm bill programs via conservation practices on private lands.

Rodney Cooper is a Research Entomologist and Research Leader at the USDA-ARS Temperate Tree Fruit and Vegetable Research Unit in Wapato, WA.  Since 2012, his research has focused on crop and non-crop host plants of psyllid and leafhopper pests of tree fruits and potato.

Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, Research Entomologist USDA ARS. Her lab focuses on biological control of arthropod pests of tree fruit, including apples, pears, and cherries.

Tianna DuPont is a Tree Fruit Extension Specialist. Her work focuses on helping growers understand and apply research based solutions for tree fruit pests and pathogens.

Curtis Pusey: is the Irrigation Water Management Manager for the Cascades Region. His main responsibilities are managing the water management team throughout the region, analyzing probe data, and developing prescriptive solutions alongside the agronomy team.

 David S. Burnett: Private Consultant and Management Company in those years also!  Enjoy growing Quality large Pears as Mother Nature lets me!


Credits Q&A

To receive credits for online attendance, participants must:

  1. Register each participant including pesticide license information. Make sure registrant name matches name on license.
  2. Attend the full morning session. The webinar software tracks the number of minutes each attendee has participation. 3 credit sessions require 150 minutes of pesticide related content.
  3. Respond to poll questions and check-ins during the workshop.

Common Zoom Problems and Trouble Shooting

  • Cannot enter the webinar.
    • Early? If you are early you will receive a message that the meeting has not started yet. Just wait and we will have webinar open soon.
    • Enter the passcode: you can attend the meeting without a zoom account, but you have to enter the passcode to get in. Passcode: 1111.
  • All online participants will be required to have a zoom account to sign in due to WSU security policies. Go to to sign up (free) and don’t forget to check your email to confirm. Please make sure to sign in early and check that zoom is working for you and that recent updates have been downloaded.
  • No sound
    • Check your audio settings in zoom. Click on the up arrow close to the microphone icon at the bottom of your screen. Choose audio settings and check that you have the correct speaker and microphone checked.
    • Check your audio in your computer settings.
  • Still having trouble. Call (509) 293-8792. Note these phone numbers will be forwarded to volunteers during the hour before and after the webinar starts as Tianna will be running the meeting.

Common questions:

  • Can I have multiple people watching on one computer? The webinar host can only verify attendance for each logged in participant. If it is not possible for each participant to login separately, please contact Tianna (509) 713-5346 in advance to designate a host for your site who can verify attendance.


January 21
8:45 am - 3:30 pm


WSU Extension – Tianna DuPont
(509) 293-8758


Wenatchee Convention Center
Wenatchee, 98801 United States + Google Map
Washington State University