Sampling and Testing for X-disease and Little Cherry Disease
If you have trees with small, misshapen or poor colored fruit and suspect Little Cherry or X-disease, sample if the disease has not been previously confirmed in the block.
First Generation Leafhopper Adults Now Present
First generation adult leafhoppers known to transmit X-disease are now present in Washington orchards. Consider monitoring.
There is More to Crop Insurance Than Signing Up
Crop insurance is a critical risk management tool available to fruit growers.
AWN enables Worker Heat Awareness Decision Support Tool
The AWN web portal has recently updated “Worker Heat Awareness” model page to deliver timely information to workplace supervisors and workers about weather station-specific heat stress situations.
FDA Releases FSMA Final Rule on Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water (Subpart E)
On May 6th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published a final rule on pre-harvest agricultural water, replacing the 2015 Produce Safety Rule requirements. The new rule mandates annual agricultural water assessments to evaluate contamination…
AWN Update
The month of May saw the resumption of Mesonet station construction by the AgWeatherNet (AWN) Field Team and an expansion of our air quality network. AWN is also highlighting our updated Station Specific Weather Data…
WSU Decision Aid System Update June 2024
Use DAS to consider natural enemies when controlling pests
Robotic System for Precision Blossom Thinning in Apples
Researchers at Washington State University have designed a robotic blossom thinning system, achieving promising results for targeted flower removal.
Free earwigs and earwig training, Wenatchee, Yakima, Hood River, and Whatcom, 2024
Come get a free bucket of earwigs for your farm. July workshops will cover methods to mass-collect this stone fruit pest and transport them to apples and pears for aphid and psyllid biocontrol.
WSU Weather School: Soil Moisture Sensors
A presentation by R. Troy Peters, PHD, PE, Professor/Extension Irrigation Engineer, WSU Prosser
WA 64 Spring Field Tour South Central Washington
Jun 13 | WSU-Prosser Roza Orchard
Pear Pest Management Discussion Group
Jun 13 | La Tortuga Cashmere
Jun 13 | Zoom Webinar
Jun 20 | Zoom Webinar
WA 64 Spring Field Tour North Central Washington
Jun 21 | WSU Sunrise Orchard
Karen Lewis
Tianna DuPont
Dani Gray
Gwen Hoheisel
Marcella Magby
Manoella Mendoza
Claire Murphy
Bernardita Sallato
Tory Schmidt
Corina Serban
Fruit Matters June 2024 was edited by Jodi Rinaldi (WSU Extension), Tory Schmidt (WTFRC), and Manoella Mendoza (WTFRC).