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Fruit Matters – Tree Fruit News – April 2022


Honey Bee Management in Tree Fruit Orchards

An update on honeybee management for tree fruit orchards from Tim Lawrence, WSU Extension, and Tory Schmidt, WA Tree Fruit Research Commission.

Crop Load Management: Back to Basics

A brief overview of your opportunities as growers to set yourself up for success in crop load management. 

Spring and Fall Broadleaf Herbicide Applications a Component of Integrated X-disease Management

It is critical to manage broadleaf weeds in cherry orchards to mitigate the risk of X-disease phytoplasma.

Six Steps to Calibrate and Optimize Airblast Sprayers

The idea behind any pesticide application is to get every drop to the crop. Spray or drift that goes into the air clearly missed the target leading not only to negative environmental and health effects,…
soil sampling tubes

Soil Sampling for tree fruit orchards

Tips for soil sampling in tree fruit orchards.

Pear psylla phenology model is now live on DAS

The new pear psylla phenology model is now live on the WSU Decision Aid System (DAS

Breeding for a Changing Climate

Want to know how plant breeders in the Pacific Northwest are thinking about climate change and what it means for their work?

Intentional Delay of Dormant Pruning for ‘Honeycrisp’ and Other Important Biennial Cultivars (Fuji)

Consider two approaches to avoid biannual bloom in Honeycrisp.
early fire blight infection of a flower cluster

Fire Blight Season – Consider Your Risk

During bloom it is critical to consider your risk for fire blight infections. Temperature and moisture conditions dictate the risk of infection. Variety, tree age, block history and likelihood of dew determine the susceptibility of…


Características y Horticultura de WA 38

Este artículo cubre temas de WA38 relacionados con el hábito de crecimiento, consideraciones para el establecimiento, sistemas de conducción, técnicas de poda, manejo de la carga fruta, tipo y calidad de la fruta.

WA 38 Characteristics and Horticulture

WSU’s Cosmic Crisp webpage is the go to for the latest research based production information. Here we cover growth habit, establishment considerations, training systems, pruning techniques, crop load management, fruit type and fruit quality.


2022 WA Tree Fruit Research Commission Grant Awards for Apple Horticulture and Postharvest

For 2022, the WA Tree Fruit Research Commission approved $303,080 to help fund four (4) new Apple Horticulture and Postharvest projects.

2022 WA Tree Fruit Research Commission Grant Awards for Apple Crop Protection

In 2022, the WA Tree Fruit Research Commission approved $496,691 to help fund five (5) new Apple Crop Protection projects.


Rescheduled! Día de Campo WA 38- Polinización y cuaja de fruta (Quincy and Royal City) / WA38 field day in Spanish -Pollination and fruit set

Debido al clima, este día de campo se reprogramará para el jueves, Abril 21. Disculpe los inconvenientes Due to this week weather conditions, this event is reschedule for thursday, April 21st. We are very sorry…

Día de Campo WA 38- Polinización y cuaja de fruta (La Roza, Prosser, WA) / WA38 field day in Spanish -Pollination and fruit set

FECHA/DATE: ABRIL 19 / April19 LUGAR/ Location: Huerta Experimental La Roza. IAREC-WSU Hora/ Time: 10:00 am -12:00pm Español/ Spanish.   Los invitamos a participar en este día de campo en el huerto experimental la Roza-…


Importance of Sanitation for Codling Moth

This interview was conducted as part of the 2022 Codling Moth Summit. It features expert advice from Mark LePierre, a consultant and farm manager who has 30+ years of experience. Specifically, he discusses the practices…


Rescheduled! Día de Campo WA 38- Polinización y cuaja de fruta (Quincy and Royal City) / WA38 field day in Spanish -Pollination and fruit set

Apr 21 |

Día de Campo WA 38- Polinización y cuaja de fruta (La Roza, Prosser, WA) / WA38 field day in Spanish -Pollination and fruit set

Apr 19 | WSU-Prosser Roza Orchard

Airblast Spray Application and Modeling Conference

May 16 | Webinar


Karen Lewis
Tianna DuPont
Dani Gray
Gwen Hoheisel
Marcella Magby
Manoella Mendoza
Claire Murphy
Ricardo Lima Pinto
Jodi Rinaldi
Bernardita Sallato
Tory Schmidt
Corina Serban

Washington State University