Washington State University has been involved with organic agriculture for decades. Organic agricultural research started at WSU in the 1970’s and an organic major was introduced for undergraduate students in 2006. In 2007, WSU purchased a new research farm with over 100 acres of certified organic production already in place.
Orchardists worldwide are increasing their use of organic and sustainable production systems due to consumer preferences and land and environmental stewardship priorities. Organic tree fruit production has provided a valuable commodity for growers in the state of Washington for over a decade. Numerous resources on organic production can be found on this page including: current research; certification; orchard establishment; insect pest management; disease management; tree fruit nutrition; weed control; tree training systems; packing and storage; vertebrate pest management; and food safety.

The state of Washington passed the Organic Food Products Act in 1985 and created a certification program managed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) in 1987. In 1990, the federal Organic Foods Production Act was passed to develop a national system to standardize organic certification among states and private groups. The ‘National Organic Standards’ was released in 2000. The National Organic Program (NOP), based in the Agricultural Marketing Service of the USDA develops standards that maintain the integrity of the organic process (from seed to table) to ensure that consumers are purchasing a bona fide organic product. Certified organic products can be labeled with the federal USDA organic seal, or that of the certifier such as the state agency, WSDA. WSDA must comply with the national standards and receive accreditation from the USDA to act as a certifying body. WSDA Organic Food Program staff can help you evaluate organic certification and what it might take for your farm to comply. You can find a program handbook, list of certifying agents, and how to get your farm certified here.
Certified organic fruit are produced, packed, and stored using approved practices that promote sustainable balance in the ecosystem by protecting resources and the environment while producing healthy trees and quality fruit. Organic tree fruit production and sales continue to grow locally and nationally with Washington state being the lead producer of organic apples, pears, and cherries. (See Recent Trends in Certified Organic Tree Fruit, (pdf presentation), and more recent updates here, (Organic statistics, WSU-CSANR webpage).
Tree Fruit growers are choosing organic methods for many reasons today: Profitability, traceability, accountability, resource conservation, and worker and food safety. There is better knowledge about agricultural ecosystems, and the benefits of protecting natural enemies, and farmland today. Managing for better soil conditions and for increased biodiversity are two cornerstone principles of organic production. Some orchard management practices that are effective for organic orchards are used in conventional growing operations as well. Integrated pest management (IPM) practices, pheromone mating disruption, and the emphasis on biological control are successful orchard management strategies that are similar for organic and conventional growers. The availability of new, natural products such as spinosins, codling moth granulosis virus, yeast formulations for fire blight control, and approved, effective materials for thinning apples are other management tools useful to both organic and conventional growers.
Several challenges face organic tree fruit growers. One challenge is weed management since the weed management tools available are not as effective as those available to conventional growers (e.g., synthetic herbicides), and they are usually more labor intensive. Soil fertility management is also challenging and is dependent on organic amendments only. Ensuring accurate nutrient application timing and amount delivered is often harder to predict and control and ultimately match with tree needs. Rodent control is based mostly on trapping and encouraging natural predators in orchards. Certain tree fruit pests like pear psylla, and spotted wing drosophila in sweet cherries, and diseases like powdery mildew and scab on apple, and fire blight in apple and pear can also be challenging to manage and control in organic programs.
When available, organic seed for cover crops must be used. Appropriate-sized buffer areas must surround organic fields to protect them from outside contamination by neighboring spray drift from conventionally managed blocks. WSU scientists are conducting research and finding solutions to some of these tree fruit pest and disease problems, as well as breeding new disease and pest resistant cultivars conducive to growing in the central Washington climate. Organic production can be more labor intensive, and have increased production costs 5-10% over conventional production so a market premium price is really necessary to sustain grower profitability. (See A cost comparison of organic and conventional apple production in the state of Washington, M. Taylor and D. Granatstein, 12(1), 2013.)
Organic growers are required to create an organic system plan that describes the methods and timing of treatments that will be used in their farm management. Accurate records and documentation of all practices and materials used are needed, as well as annual inspections of farms and facilities. The packing warehouses, processing plants, or wholesale buyers need to be certified to handle organic products. Methods used in organic production are generally determined by the organic certification standards. Most ‘natural’ methods and products are allowed, although the USDA keeps a list of natural materials that are not permitted. Synthetic materials are not permitted, unless specifically approved by the National Organic Standards Board. These materials are reviewed every five years, and growers need to provide their input during the national review process if they want these products to be allowed for use in the future.
Before considering transitioning into organic farming from conventional farming, you should consider the varieties you might choose, your warehouse’s ability to pack, store, and market organic fruit and the resources available to you to help with new challenges, and economics. (See Top five things to consider before going organic, G. Warner, Good Fruit Grower, 2013.)
We’ve put together additional information on specific topics related to organic orchard production. Click on the title headings below to view the related information.
Organic Orchard Establishment Resources:
- Brassica seed meal soil amendments transform the Rhizosphere Microbiome and improve apple production through resistance to pathogen reinfestation, M. Mazzola et. al., Phytopathology, 105(4), pp. 460-469, April, 2015.
- Advances in Brassicaceae seed meal formulation and application protocol for control of apple replant disease, M. Mazzola, USDA-ARS, poster (PDF), WSHA annual meeting, 2010.
- Managing the Microherd for Maximum Tree Performance, M. Mazzola, (Video), USDA-ARS, during the “Roots: Foundation of your orchard” series, 2014.
- A common sense organic approach, G. Warner, Good Fruit Grower, January, 2014.
Organic Pest Management Resources:
- WSU-DAS, includes organic management options.
- WSU Crop Protection Guide, includes organic materials.
- Spotted Wing Drosophila control on sweet cherry, recommendations for Eastern WA.
- Cherry Fruit Fly control, Chelan-Douglas Co. Extn. page, includes organic methods. (Accessed: 1/19/17).
Cherry Fruit Fly bait, Chelan-Douglas Co. Extn. page. (Accessed: 1/19/17). - Stinkbug challenges organic growers, R. Lehnert, Good Fruit Grower, March, 2015.
As of October, 2014, organic growers can no longer use antibiotics to control fire blight on apples and pears. Recent research by Ken Johnson (Oregon State University) and Tim Smith (WSU) is leading to effective alternative materials and control programs. (See Organic Fire Blight Control, WSU-TFREC page)
Apple Scab is probably the most challenging disease to control for organic producers, mostly in more humid climates than central Washington. Mildew can also be a problem and there are organic compliant materials available to treat this disease. Cultural practices such as pruning (e.g., dormant and summer) to facilitate good sunlight penetration in the canopy and improve air movement plus proper fertility to manage tree vigor can all contribute to disease suppression or prevention. Sanitation practices such as pruning out diseased tissue and cankers and destroying contaminated debris is necessary to eliminate inoculum and reduce disease pressure in the orchard. Organic fruit cannot be treated with postharvest chemicals like most conventional fruit and they must be kept separate from conventional fruit during storage. Packing lines must be fully cleaned prior to running organic fruit to avoid contamination.
Organic Disease Control Resources:
- Fire Blight Control in Organic Apples and Pears, WSU-Tree Fruit page.
- Fire Blight Control without Antibiotics, G. Warner, Good Fruit Grower, March, 2014.
- Non-Antibiotic Control of Fire Blight in Organic Orchards, K. Johnson, Oregon State University, pdf presentation, 2014.
- Controlling Mildew in Organic Cherries, M. Hansen, Good Fruit Grower, February, 2010.
- Advances in Brassicaceae seed meal formulation and application protocol for control of apple replant disease, M. Mazzola, USDA-ARS, poster, WSHA annual meeting, 2010.
For newly planted orchards, the first two years are critical for tree growth and minimizing competition with weeds is important so that trees will grow quickly to fill in their allotted space in the tree row. Weed control is most critical during spring through early summer. A number of university research studies have been conducted at WSU, UC-Davis, Michigan State, and Cornell looking at different orchard floor management practices that could provide weed control in an organic system.
Weed and Orchard Floor Management Resources:
- Weed Control in Orchards, D. Grantastein, video presentation, Lake Chelan Hort. Day, January, 2015.
- Productivity, Economics, and Fruit and Soil Quality of Weed Management Systems in Commercial Organic Orchards in Washington State, USA, D. Granatstein, et. al., Organic Agriculture, 4(3), p.197-207, 2014.
- Orchard Floor Management, WSU Organic and Integrated production Resource link page.
- Organic Weed Control, WSU Tree Fruit page.
- Weed Management in Organic Orchards, University of California IPM webpage. (Accessed: 1/19/17).
Resources for Organic Soil Management:
- Productivity, Economics, and Fruit and Soil Quality of Weed Management Systems in Commercial Organic Orchards in Washington State, USA, D. Granatstein, et. al., Organic Agriculture, 4(3), p.197-207, 2014.
- Direct-seeding Legumes into orchard alleys for Nitrogen production, D. Granatstein, et al., WSHA poster, 2012.
- Managing the Microherd for Maximum Tree Performance, M. Mazzola, (Video), USDA-ARS, during the “Roots: Foundation of your orchard” series, 2014.
Thinning Resources:
- Pollen Tube Growth Model, YouTube video, (Instructions on how to create account and set up first block in the apple Pollen Tube Growth Model), WSU Ag. Weather Net webpage.
- Taking the Guesswork out of thinning, G. Warner, Good Fruit Grower, March, 2015.
Fruit Handling Resources:
- Handling Organic Fruit, WSU-TFREC Postharvest Information Network (recovered article PC98U).
Vertebrate Management Resources:
- Cover crops influence meadow vole presence in organic orchards, M. Wiman, et. al., HortTech 19(3):558-562, 2009.
- Getting help with killing rodents, P. Rusnak, Growing Produce, June, 2013.
Additional Resources:
General Organic Production References
- Recent Trends in Certified Organic Tree Fruit in Washington State: 2018. D. Granatstein and E. Kirby.
- Organic Transition – A business planner for farmers, ranchers and food entrepreneurs, G. DiGiacoma, R.P. King and D. Nordquist. SARE Handbook. 2015 (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- Recent Trends in Certified Organic Tree Fruit, E. Kirby and D. Granatstein, WSU-CSANR, pdf presentation, 2014.
- Current Status of Certified Organic Agriculture in Washington State: 2014, E. Kirby and D. Granatstein, WSU-CSANR, pdf presentation, 2015.
- Status of Organic Tree Fruit in Washington State, E. Kirby and D. Granatstein, WSU Extension EM046E, 2012.
- Organic & Integrated Tree Fruit Production page, D. Granatstein, WSU-CSANR.
- Proceedings of the 2nd International Organic Fruit Symposium, D. Granastein et al., Acta Hort. v1001, Int. Soc. Hort. Sci. 2013.
- WSU Resources for Orchard Floor Management, Organic & Integrated Tree Fruit Production webpage.
- WSDA Organic Program Guide to International Organic Markets, pdf. (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- A Grower’s Guide to Organic Apples, New York State IPM Publication #223. (Accessed: 1/19/17).
Organic Websites
- WSU Organic & Integrated Tree Fruit Production
- WSU-CSANR Organic Statistics
- WSDA Organic Food Program (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- WSDA Organic Producers (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- USDA National Organic Program (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- USDA National Organic Program Handbook (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- Federal Regulations for the National Organic Program (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- Organic Materials Review Institute (Accessed: 1/19/17).
- Farmers’ Guide to Organic Contracts, A. Heyman, eXtension, webpage, 2013. (Accessed: 1/19/17).