Tree Fruit Research and Extension
WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension develops and applies research-based information for sustainable tree fruit production in Washington and the world.
Recent News
The Scouting Network: A New Tool for Bio-based Pear IPM
The Scouting Network is a new tool helping pear growers transition to bio-based Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Survey on Heat and Frost Damages in Pear and Apple
We need your input! Your responses to this 10-minute survey will help us make sure our research into understanding how pear and apple trees respond…

Remove Fire Blight Cankers Now to Reduce Risk this Year
Fire blight cankers left in the orchard are the source for new infections next spring. Remove them now!
Survey – Understanding Your Perspective on Apple Fire Blight Management Systems
Researchers at Washington State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, are conducting a survey to learn about your…
Soil and Plant Diagnostic Technology for Orchard Nutrient Management
Effective nutrient management in tree fruit production requires a comprehensive understanding of multiple interacting factors, including soil conditions (physical, chemical, and biological), plant health and…
Survey on Heat and Frost Damages in Pear and Apple
We need your input! Your responses to this 10-minute survey will help us make sure our research into understanding how pear and apple trees respond…
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Featured Videos

Lacewing releases: Increasing your odds for success
Rebecca Schmidt Jeffris, USDA ARS covered updates on the best strategies for lacewing releases based on recent studies at North Central Washington Apple Day. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU…

New codling moth tools- NCW Tree Fruit Days 2025
Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology described efficacy information on new codling moth products at North Central Washington Apple Day. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU Extension, NW Cherry Growers, Pear Bureau…

Avoiding resistance in organic codling moth management- NCW Tree Fruit Days 2025
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology described the importance of rotating products and other strategies to slow virus resistance at North Central Washington Apple Day 2025. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU…

Codling moth management reminders – NCW Tree Fruit Days 2025
Dani Gray, WSU Extension described the importance of removing wild sources, mating disruption, coverage and cultural controls at North Central Washington Apple Day 2025. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU…

Optimizing tree fruit nutrition for fruit quality
Bernardita Sallato described the basics of nutrient demand and their impact on fruit quality, tools to determine rate, and a review of monitoring strategies at NCW Stone Fruit Day 2025. Part of North Central Washington…
Recent Publications

Evaluation of biopesticides for the control of Erwinia amylovora in Apple and Pear
In a recent study, we evaluated non-antibiotic materials for fire blight control in 8 Washington, 3 Oregon, 3 New York and 2 Pennsylvania field experiments conducted between 2013 to 2022.
Investigations of Multiple Approaches to Reduce Green Spot Incidence in ‘WA 38’ Apple
A pre-harvest apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) disorder named “green spot” (GS) was recently identified on ‘WA 38’ apples. Previous work indicated a tentative association between GS and fruit mineral imbalance, and an influence of…

Soil Health Indicators for Central Washington Orchards
To help growers in Central Washington orchards, Washington State University scientists demonstrated that all soil health indicators should include measurements of water availability and root health in addition to standard fertility indicators to meet stakeholder…

Field scale application of Brassica seed meal and anaerobic soil disinfestation for the control of apple replant disease.
Study published June 2021 in Applied Soil Ecology shows potential of anaerobic soil disinfestation and biorenovation with mustard meals for mitigation of replant disease.

Towards rapid detection and mapping of powdery mildew in apple orchards
Chandel, Khot, Sallato Dec 2020. Powdery mildew (PM) in apples is a critical fungal disease that adversely affects yield and fruit quality. Conventional PM identification techniques are laborious. This study evaluated the suitability of non-destructive…