Stone Fruit Viruses
In addition to little cherry virus a number of viruses affect sweet cherry. Cherry leafroll, prune dwarf virus, cherry mottle leaf, cherry rasp leaf, cherry twisted leaf, necrotic rusty mottle, rogose mosaic. Presented at North…
Smart Orchard Field Day: Smart Apply/RDO Demonstration
In this video, we will learn what smart guided systems to spray. How it works, and how to calculate the application rates. We will also see a demo of spraying in a commercial apple orchard.
Smart Orchard Field Day: G.U.S.S. Demonstration
In this video we will learn what is GUSS technology and how it works. We will also see a demo spraying in a commercial apple orchard.
WSU Weather School Video
Meteorologic Basics by Jon Boomgard-Zagrodnik

2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series – Technology panel
This is the third presentation in the 2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup series, recorded on June 30, 2022. The 2022 series theme is Orchard Efficiencies: Labor and Technology. This third webinar focused on grower experiences with…

Importance of Sanitation for Codling Moth
This interview was conducted as part of the 2022 Codling Moth Summit. It features expert advice from Mark LePierre, a consultant and farm manager who has 30+ years of experience. Specifically, he discusses the practices…

ISHS Orchard Systems Symposium – Pear
Bob Gix, Rudy Prey, and Ray Schmitten are the hosts on the pear tour.

ISHS Orchard Systems Symposium – Cherry
The cherry video is a tour of several blocks with Cherry King, Kyle Mathison.

ISHS Orchard Systems Symposium – Apple
In the apple video, Suzanne Bishop, Dave Gleason, Mike VanPelt, and Dale Goldy host an orchard stop.

La importancia del análisis foliar
Para mantener un huerto saludable, Bernadita Sallato recomienda monitoreo del estado nutricional del huerto usando la herramienta del análisis foliar.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient Management. Grower video clip
This video is a clip of the 2021 IFTA Virtual Honeycrisp Tour, in which nutrient management was discussed. It should be watched as a ‘teaser’ for the 2021 Honeycrisp Virtual Meetup, Webinar #3 on nutrient…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient management part 4
Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient management Part 4. Panel discussion with the participation of grower panel: Rod Farrow (NY), Chris Kropf (MI) and Bruce Allen (WA), researchers: Lailiang Cheng, Cornell University, Essie Fallahi, University of Idaho, Lee…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient management Part 3
Honeycrips Meetup: Nutrient management Part 3. Lee Kalcsits, Washington State University, talks about influence of rootstock, crop load, and calcium sprays on Honeycrisp apples

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient Management Part 2
Honeycrips Meetup: Nutrient management. Professor Essie Fallahi, University of Idaho shares key findings on the influence of rootstock and crop load management on Honeycrips apples.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient Management Part 1
Honeycrisp Meetup: Lailiang Cheng, Cornell University, highlight the importance of nitrogen management on Honeycrisp and fruit sampling for bitter pit prediction.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstock Q and A 2
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstocks Part 5. Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension. Questions and Answers about Rootstocks for Honeycrisp.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstock Q and A 1
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstocks Q&A 2. Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension. Questions and Answers about Rootstocks for Honeycrisp.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstock Part 3
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstocks Part 3. Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension. Part 3. Honeycrisp growers Rod Farrow, Chris Kropf…
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstock Part 2
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstocks Part 2. Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension. Part 2: Tom Auvil, North American Plant Horticulturist…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 4. Q and A
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 4. Questions and Answers, Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 3.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 3. Video clip with WA grower Bruce Allen, MI grower Chris Kropf, and NY growers Jason Woodworth and Jose Iñiguez talking about crop load management strategies. Supported by IFTA and…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 2.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 2. Stefano Musacchi, Washington State University explains the relation between crop load and roostock with fruit quality parameters.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 1
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 1. Introduction to the Honeycrisp Meetup Series developed in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension, Michigan State University Extension and Washington State University Extension. Part 1. Terence Robinson, Cornell University talks…

Symptoms of Little Cherry Virus and X-disease Phytoplasma
X-disease phytoplasma and Little cherry virus 2 cause small, pale deformed fruit in cherries. This video shows symptoms in a number of varieties.
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Cherry Harvest Efficiency Trials
Dr. Matthew Whiting describes several years of studies on sweet cherry harvest efficiency.
Webinar recording: Co-Robotic harvest-aid platforms can aid harvesting speed
In this installment of the WSU-OSU Tree Fruit Extension seminar series, Dr. Vougioukas discusses how co-robotic harvest-aid platforms can aid harvesting speed by eliminating some of the issues faced by using fixed-zone platforms. Audience Q&A…
WA 38 Cosmic Crisp® Grower/Manager Q&A Meeting 9/23/2020
This WA 38 Q&A session, hosted by Bernardita Sallato, focused on all issues related to production, preharvest, conditions of the crop, crop load volume and yield, size and color, fruit finish, weather and smoke related…
WA 38 Cosmic Crisp® Packer/Shipper Q&A Meeting 9/30/2020
This WA 38 Q&A session, hosted by Karen Lewis, focused on storage and shipping, and anything that happens at harvest going forward. Topics included marketing and quality standards, clarifications to color definitions, starch evaluation, shape…
Síntomas de Fitoplasma X en Frutas de Hueso
X-disease in peaches, plums and nectarines causes yellow leaves, shot hole and small deformed fruit.
WA 38 / Cosmic Crisp® Pre-Harvest Virtual Field Day
The WA 38 / Cosmic Crisp® Pre-Harvest Virtual Field Day covered discussion on defects and disorders, PVM guidelines and recommendation, harvest and storage criteria, using the starch chart, crop load and dry matter considerations, and…
Stemilt Bi-axis Pear Block Virtual Tour
WTFRC’s Tory Schmidt hosts this virtual tour of the Stemilt pear block that utilizes the bi-axis technique.
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Q&A with Dr. Whiting on Harvest Efficiency Trials
Questions and Answers on Sweet Cherry Harvest Efficiency trials with Matthew Whiting, Luke Anderson and Suzanne Bishop.
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Allan Brothers Inc Q&A Part 1
Introduction to Allan Brothers Inc and our host Suzanne Bishop, Director of R&D and Luke Anderson, Area Production Manager. Introduction to the Zillah Ranch and discussions about their ‘Sweetheart/Mazzard’ Y-Trellis block, including establishment, pruning and…
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Allan Brothers Q&A, Part 2.
Part 2: Allan Brothers Inc R&D director Suzanne Bishop and Area Production Manager, Luke Anderson, discussing vigor management for ‘Sweetheart/Mazzard’ combination, training, wood renewal, light interception, fruit quality, and more.
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day; Allan Brothers Q&A, Part 3.
Part 3: Allan Brothers Inc R&D director Suzanne Bishop and Area Production Manager, Luke Anderson, discussing cultivar/rootstock selection, stress management practices, powdery mildew management.
Manejo de Vectores de Fitoplasma X (X-disease Vector Management)
Autores Tianna DuPont, WSU Extensión; Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomologia. Videografía y producción Ricardo Naranjo, WSU Extensión. Apoyo de fondos de la Comisión de Investigación de Frutas de Árbol del estado de Washington.
Síntomas de Fitoplasma X y Little Cherry Virus
El X- fitoplasma y el Little Cherry Virus 2 causan frutos pequeños, pálidos y deformados en las cerezas. Este video muestra las síntomas en una serie de variedades.
X-disease Vector Management
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology shows how to identify and trap for important leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma.
Using Irrigation Sensors – Troy Peters
WSU Biological Systems Engineering’s Troy Peters describes common types of irrigation sensors and how to use them. Part of ‘Virtual Fielday’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters, WSU…
Cost Share Availability – Irrigation Efficiencies Virtual Field Day
Sandy Letzing, Cascadia Conservation discusses cost share availability at ‘virtual field day’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters, WSU Biological Systems Engineering, Lee Kalcsits, WSU Horticulture. Project funders…
Irrigation Sensors with Jac LeRoux – Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears Virtual Field Day
Jac LeRoux, Wilbur Ellis company discusses irrigation sensors at WSU Extension ‘Virtual Field Day’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters, WSU Biological Systems Engineering, Lee Kalcsits, WSU Horticulture….
Long Case Study Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears
Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension discusses with grower Brandon Long the results of a case study plot they implemented in a pear block with a history of cork. Watering using data from irrigation sensors reduced cork…
Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears Caudle Case Study
Pear irrigation systems can have challenges such as low pressure, run off, too much or too little water and clogging filters resulting in pears with cork or small size. Larry and Renee Caudle in Dryden…
WSU – OSU Webinar: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber-Physical Systems and Robotics for Agriculture
Decreasing availability and increasing cost of farm labor is a critical challenge faced by the agricultural industry around the world. Robotics has played a key role in reducing labor use and increasing productivity in farming….

How to build a soil pit to evaluate and improve your apple orchard
Bernardita Sallato demonstrates how to create and use soil pits to better manage, and improve the health of commercial apple orchards. Sallato is a Washington State University tree fruit extension specialist in Prosser, Washington.

Como construir una calicata para evaluar y mejorar tu huerto de manzana
Bernardita Sallato demuestra como crear y utilizar una calicata para mejorar la salud de los huertos de manzana comerciales y la administración de los mismos. Sallato es una especialista de la extensión de fruta de…

Flowering Fruit Set & Pollination
Flowering is a critical time for growers because fertilization rate has a fundamental relationship to yield and there is a short window of opportunity to set the crop for the year. The processes of pollination…
Netting for Apple Insect Management
Shade nets are becoming popular to reduce sunburn on apples, but what effect do they have on movement of insects? WSU graduate student Adrian Marshall is investigating the potential of mesh barriers to keep pests…
Roots Program Speaker Panel Question and Answer Session
More Video recording of the panel discussion with Dr. Lee Kalcsits, WSU-TFREC (Wenatchee, WA), Dr. Gennaro Fazio, USDA-ARS (Geneva, NY), and Dr. Mark Mazzola, USDA-ARS (Wenatchee, WA), as part of the program “Roots: Foundation of Your Orchard’s…
Cosmic Crisp™ WA 38 Field Days
More This video was recorded at two commercial grower field days on September 17 and 30, 2014. It provides the viewer with a look at the Cosmic Crisp™ WA 38 apple both at Washington State…
The Future of IPM in Orchard Crops
More Speaker: Dr. Vince Jones, Professor of Entomology and Director of WSU-DAS. Affiliation: Washington State University, Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, Wenatchee, WA 98801. Synopsis: Dr. Vince Jones was invited to give his unscripted opinion about the future of…
Tree Fruit Research and Extension at WSU
More This video presents an overview of the range and types of research Washington State University scientists at the Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center at Wenatchee do in support of the Washington tree fruit industry….
WSU’s Sunrise Research Orchard
More Washington State University, in collaboration with the state’s tree fruit growers, has established a state-of-the-art research orchard near Wenatchee, Wash. This short video provides a brief overview of the types of research being conducted…
Interview with Gerrit Hoogenboom, Director of AgWeatherNet
Video Summary More AgWeatherNet provides access to raw weather data from the Washington State University weather network, along with decision aids. AWN includes 159 weather stations located mostly in the irrigated regions of eastern Washington…