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News Articles

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Cost Share Funds Available to Cherry and Stone Fruit Producers through Grant for X-disease and Little Cherry Disease Tree Removal

Washington State University Extension in partnership with county Conservation Districts and Pest Boards announce the availability of cost-share funds for the removal and testing of…

Early Fall Defoliation in Sweet Cherry

In perennial species, natural leaf senescence in the fall is part of a remobilization of mobile nutrients and carbohydrates to wood, buds and roots.

Reimbursement for Composting

WSDA is launching the Compost Reimbursement Program to encourage on-farm compost use. Approximately $1 million will be distributed annually on a first-come, first-served basis. All…

BMPs for tree removal for X disease and Little Cherry Virus infected trees

Methods to remove trees infected with X-disease or Little cherry disease.

AgWeatherNet Update

The month of August saw the completion of two new Mesonet tower stations bringing the network total to 40. It was also a busy month…

Fall Leafhopper Management

Manage leafhopper vectors of X-disease in their final fall generation.

NOSB Fall 2023 Meetings and Grower Comment Opportunity

The National Organic Standards Board’s annual fall comment period is open, with several materials crucial to organic tree fruit under review. The NOSB highly values…

Announcement: 2023 Cherry MRL Report

Since 2011, the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission has conducted annual studies to provide the Northwest cherry industry basic information about residues of commonly used…

Save the Date North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days January 16-18 in Wenatchee

Join us for WSU Tree Fruit Extension Programs in North Central Washington on January 16-18, 2024. Co-sponsored by WSU Extension, Northwest Cherries, Pear Bureau Northwest,…

The Fungi Among Us

This article is a summary of a presentation made to the Columbia Basin Tree Fruit Club on April 26, 2023.
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Washington State University