News Articles
Pre-bloom Pear Psylla in Integrated & Conventional Orchards, 2023
A selective spray program is working for pre-bloom pear psylla management in the Wenatchee Valley according to data from 7 pear orchard pairs in 2023.
Woolly Apple Aphid Management in 2023
Woolly apple aphid is tricky to manage, but there are several strategies that can help.
Spring bacterial canker control reminders
Pre bloom as well as fall is an important time to consider prevention of Bacterial canker and Bacterial blast caused by Pseudomonas syringae.
Spring Nutrient Management: Considerations for 2023
How can we determine if additional nitrogen is needed?
Storage of Organic Apples
Written by Marcella Galeni, Washington State University–Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center and Carolina Torres, Washington State University–Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center, Wenatchee. Organic…
2023 WA Tree Fruit Research Commission Grant Awards for Apple Crop Protection
The WA Tree Fruit Research Commission approved $121,457 to help fund five (5) new Apple Crop Protection projects for 2023.
SCRI PACMAN Briefings Webinar Recordings
PACMAN Briefings recordings are now available.
Spring Pear Psylla Update April 2023
Stay up-to-date on pear pest monitoring data, decision support resources, and upcoming projects.
2023 WA Tree Fruit Research Commission Grant Awards for Apple Horticulture and Postharvest
The Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission approved $562,722 to help fund seven (7) new Apple Horticulture and Postharvest projects for 2023.
Current Guidelines for Releasing Natural Enemies
Releases of purchased natural enemies can be an effective way to organically manage arthropod pests. Find out how to optimize your investment in this management…