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Enfermedad de la Cereza Pequeña: Preguntas y Respuestas

En nuestro proceso de aprendizaje respecto a la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña o LCD, hemos recolectado preguntas de nuestros productores que respondemos a continuación.

PNW Pear Industry Input Sought Regarding Potential Initiation of New Breeding Program

The research subcommittee of the Fresh and Processed Pear Committees (FPC/PPC) is seeking feedback from pear industry stakeholders regarding the opportunity to support a new…

Introducing the WSU Pesticide Spray Record Evaluator

At some point, many of us have heard from a grower or friend that “it’s been a really bad year” for the control of a…

County Horticultural Pest and Disease Boards in Washington State

Every county in Washington State that has commercial tree fruit operations that ship fruit to specific countries outside the United States are required to have…

Welcome Dr. Bolivar-Medina

Dr. Jenny Bolivar-Medina recently joined WSU as a Tree Fruit Extension Information Technology Transfer Specialist (ITT). As an integral member of the Tree Fruit Extension…

Effect of net enclosure of ‘Honeycrisp’ and ‘Gala’ apple trees on fruit set and seed production

Written by Mokhles Elsysy, Sara Serra, Phil Schwallier, Stefano Musacchi and Todd Einhorn. Summarized by Bernardita Sallato, WSU, December 2019. Fruit thinning is essential for…

What Specialty Crops Might Thrive in the Northwest in the Future?

Specialty crop production, like virtually all agricultural systems across the region, will be challenged by climate change. Over the coming decades, the Northwest is projected…

Under Pressure – Pressure gauge practices for sprayers

Written by Margret McCoy, WSU Ph.D. Student, Horticulture/Viticulture This time of year many growers are exchanging their daily use machinery away from orchard management tools…

Current Cherry Bud Hardiness

With night-time lows in the 20s next week a few growers are asking about cherry bud hardiness at this time of the year. Dr David…

Fall kaolin sprays suppress psylla next year

Using Surround (kaolin) is a very effective method for repelling pear psylla. This white clay powder covers the bark of trees, preventing psylla from laying…
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Washington State University