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Campylomma bug – Know the Good Guys in your Pear Orchard

As part of a Pear IPM project we are tracking natural enemies in pear orchards and we wanted to share who is active in the…

The importance of room and bin sanitation to reduce postharvest decay

It is important to prepare adequately to minimize decay rates during the long storage period.

Contribute your Interests the Specialty Crop Block Grant Funding Priorities

The Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program would like your help in identifying our state’s funding priorities for 2019. The top…

Apple Sunburn 101

Even though conditions have been relatively moderate most of this spring, the long, hot days of summer are coming. It is time for apple growers…

Sampling and Testing for Little Cherry Virus

Directions for how to sample and mail little cherry virus samples for testing.

Pear Psylla – Summer Generations Overview and Management

In most regions of Washington, the first generation of pear psylla nymphs have completed development, giving way to the first round of summerform adults. When…

Green Fruit Thinning with the Equilifruit Disc

Green fruit thinning is the final opportunity to adjust and set your final fruit number per leader and the placement of fruit down the limb.…

Western Cherry Fruit Fly

The first capture of western cherry fruit fly occurred at the OSU-MCAREC on May 20, 2018.

Resources for Managing Cherry Pesticide Residues

When it comes to concerns over pesticide residues, cherry growers require a lot of complex, up-to-the-minute information to make appropriate management decisions.  Specifically, they need…

Call for Collaborators: Pear Irrigation Efficiencies Project

Dear pear growers – We would like to invite you to participate in a demonstration project in collaboration with WSU and Cascadia Conservation District. The…
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Washington State University