News Articles
Pre-season Estimate of Organic Apple Acres
Written by David Granatstein and Elizabeth Kirby, WSU Wenatchee The area of certified organic apple production in Washington State grew by 37% in 2017, and…
New Decision Aid Systems (DAS) Models Launched
In a non-typical year like 2018 models are more important than ever to help guide decisions in the orchard. Take a look at models new…
Developing a cv. WA 38 starch scale for WA State apple industry
Authors: Ines Hanrahan and Felix Schuhmann, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission Conclusions at a Glance WA 38 develops two predominant starch patterns, which appear in…
Effects of soil biology on plant health and resistance to pests and diseases
Advances in molecular research techniques are providing new insights into the complex interactions that can occur between soil organisms, plants, and the above- or below-ground…
Smartphone Applications to Assist with Weed Identification
Smart phone apps may help you identify your problem weeds. Correct identification is critical to choosing the most effective herbicide.
Cherry Powdery Mildew – Questions and Answers from 2017
After a tough year in 2017 lets look at the answers to common questions about cherry powdery mildew answered by WSU plant pathologist Dr. Gary…
Organic Certification Videos
The WSDA Organic Program is pleased to share videos about organic standards and the certification process.
Precision Agriculture in Apple Production Survey- Please Participate
Please consider responding to this short online survey on precision agriculture in apple production – it will only take 5 minutes of your time.
Update on Agricultural Worker Protection Standards (WPS)
The January 2018 training requirements (additional topics) for the WPS are delayed to allow more time for training materials and programs to be developed. The…
Washington Apple Storage Survey Results 2017
Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage capacity in the state continues to increase, with an anticipated 10% increase in capacity in the next two years. This follows…