News Articles
Cherry Dormancy Status
Because cold acclimation of temperate-zone trees is triggered by shortening day lengths and progressively lower temperatures, cherry trees developed acclimation and hardiness despite the lack…
Prevalence of storage decays of apple: Lessons from the 2016 statewide survey
Many fungal pathogens cause decay on apple with significant economic losses for packers. The Washington industry is familiar with pathogens like blue mold, gray mold…
Bark Grafting Learn Now Video
Penn State Extension's new ‘Bark Grafting’ Learn Now video guides growers through the process of top-working trees, and discusses how to manage the planting in…
Comments on WA 38 Fruit Quality
Ines Hanrahan from the Tree Fruit Research Commission discussed a few aspects of WA38 at recent field days that are good for producers to be…
2016 Report: Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) for Pesticides in Export Markets
In response to increasing industry concerns about complying with Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) for pesticides in export markets, the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC)…
Washington Organic Resources
As the demand for organic agriculture in our state grows, it is important that the public is able to easily find information and resources about…
DA Meter Maturity Indicator
The DA meter is a handheld device which non-destructively measures the difference of absorbance between 670 and 720 nm. The value correlates with the chlorophyll…
Quick Reference Guide to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) as Revised in 2015 available
The 'Quick Reference Guide to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) as Revised in 2015' is available for download. The WPS is a federal regulation designed…
Photoselective Anti Hail Netting
Netting can protect your crop from hail, well worth the value when mother nature strikes. Photo-selective anti-hail nets can also provide additional value by reducing…
Virus Sensitivity in G.935
A recent article authored by Marc Fuchs of Cornell University published in the summer issue of the New York Fruit Quarterly affirmed the concerns that…