The Pear Rootstocks and Systems Virtual Field Tour Webinar held on August 14 was a successful event with 164 registrants. The event with the tag line “Don’t plant pears for your heirs, plant pear blocks that can pay for themselves within 8 years!” was hosted by Tory Schmidt of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission. The webinar featured pre-recorded orchard tours of rootstock trials lead by Dr. Stefano Musacchi, WSU Endowed Chair for Orchard Systems and Production with a live explanation of the project background and results provided by Dr. Todd Einhorn, MSU Professor of Horticulture. The webinar also included a pre-recorded segment with Tory, Stefano, and the group from Stemilt at their commercial pear block near Chelan Falls utilizing the bi-axis system. The group from Stemilt included Bryan Mrachek, Area Manager; Jorge Andrade, Orchard Manager; and Hannah Walters, Research and Development. The pre-recorded segments were interspersed with live Q&A sessions with all the speakers.
The recorded webinar video is now available to view in its entirety or you can watch the stand-alone pre-recorded segments.
Pear Rootstock & Systems Virtual Field Tour Webinar (all-inclusive recording)
Quince Rootstock on Bartlett Pear Trial Virtual Tour
Quince Rootstock on Anjou Pear Trial Virtual Tour
Stemilt Bi-axis Pear Block Virtual Tour articles may only be republished with prior author permission © Washington State University. Republished articles with permission must include: “Originally published by Washington State Tree Fruit Extension at” along with author(s) name, and a link to the original article.