Help us by sharing your insights!
We are surveying experts and practitioners (i.e., farmers, researchers, agronomists, etc.) to
learn more about the tree fruit conservation production practices in Washington. The goal is to
better understand the degree of conservation practice adoption across the state and the
logistical and economic feasibility of implementing these practices. This data will be used to
launch the Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources (STAR) program in Washington.
Created for producers by producers, the STAR Tool is a simple, free, and confidential resource
that generates a 1-to-5 STAR rating to evaluate conservation progress on individual fields and
provides tailored recommendations and resources to enable conservation progress.
The information you provide will assist in creating STAR field forms and scoring sheets to
evaluate conservation progress in Washington. It will also help ground the STAR program in
what is agronomically feasible.
Please complete this survey to share your perspectives.
Thank you – your input is sincerely valued!
Do you want to learn more about STAR?
● Watch this video (password: X=P8=qe1) from Executive Director, Caroline Wade.
● Visit the website