Written by Ines Hanrahan, WA Tree Fruit Reseach Commission, 26 sep 2019.
If nothing else, do the following to ensure the success of your COSMIC CRISP® harvest.
- Read the documents:
- Starch scale: https://treefruit.wsu.edu/developing-a-cv-wa-38-starch-scale-for-the-washington-state-apple-industry/
- 2019 Marketing and quality standards: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/treefruit.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/25135642/2019-WA38-Marketing-Quality-Standards_3-4-19.pdf
- Stem clipping, splitting: https://treefruit.wsu.edu/wa-38-stem-punctures-packout/
- Slow down. There is no reason to pick early. No fruit will be sold before December 1, 2019.
- The best indicator for maturity is starch degradation.
- Start picking at 2.5 (1-6 scale).
- Cut through the core and not above it.
- Starch staining takes longer than with other varieties.
- This apple’s starch patterns are unique. Use the COSMIC CRISP® starch chart.
- COSMIC CRISP® can be a single pick variety. Sample throughout the canopy to determine possibility for your orchard.
- Stem clipping: do your math when debating to stem clip or not.
Ines Hanrahan
Executive Director,
WA Tree Fruit Reseach Commission
email: hanrahan@treefruitresearch.com
Phone: 509-669-0267