Written by Liesl Oeller, Washington State University, June 6, 2024
The Washington State Decision Aid System (DAS) is for more than pest control! DAS also has models for natural enemies like the lacewings Chrysopa nigricornis and Chrysoperla plorabunda. The chart shows the present and predicted cumulative percent emergence for adult lacewings and a table shows the emergence of the overwintering generation with temperatures from the last 10 days.

Another useful tool is the pesticide effects on natural enemies feature on each pest model page. This tool uses a meta-analysis of the impacts of individual pest control products on different natural enemy populations. You can see the number of studies done with that specific product, how that product impacted different natural enemy populations in the studies, and even compare different products directly on how they impact both pests and natural enemies.

Now is the perfect time to subscribe to DAS! Keep track of pest emergence and see management options as the season progresses. You can use our time machine tool to look back on weather data from the last 5 years, and see how 2024 compares. You can also set up alerts to remind you when key pests are emerging for timely management.
For weekly updates on DAS models and tools, subscribe to our mailing list. Now is the perfect time to subscribe to weather stations on DAS, get started today!
Liesl Oeller
Washington State University
(509) 335-5815
Fruit Matters articles may only be republished with prior author permission © Washington State University. Reprint articles with permission must include: Originally published by Washington State Tree Fruit Extension Fruit Matters at treefruit.wsu.edu and a link to the original article.
Use pesticides with care. Apply them only to plants, animals, or sites listed on the labels. When mixing and applying pesticides, follow all label precautions to protect yourself and others around you. It is a violation of the law to disregard label directions. If pesticides are spilled on skin or clothing, remove clothing and wash skin thoroughly. Store pesticides in their original containers and keep them out of the reach of children, pets, and livestock.
YOU ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO FOLLOW THE LABEL. It is a legal document. Always read the label before using any pesticide. You, the grower, are responsible for safe pesticide use. Trade (brand) names are provided for your reference only. No discrimination is intended, and other pesticides with the same active ingredient may be suitable. No endorsement is implied.