Louie Nottingham, Tianna DuPont and Robert Orpet, March 2022
Our goal is to support low-cost and effective pest suppression in pear. These guidelines focus on striking a balance between active intervention and biocontrol for pear psylla and mites. Well-timed and well-selected codling moth sprays in addition to codling moth mating disruption supports the overall program.
Management Tools & Cultural Controls
Psylla IPM Gallery
Contact information
Dr. Louis Nottingham
Assistant Professor, Entomology
Washington State University
Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
1100 N Western Ave., Wenatchee, WA 98801
540-798-2044 (cell)
Dr. Robert Orpet
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Washington State University
Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
1100 N Western Ave., Wenatchee, WA 98801
Tianna DuPont
Tree Fruit Extension Specialist
(509) 293-8758
(509) 713-5346