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Inside Looking Out: IPM Practices for Tree Fruit in Washington State
March 8, 2022 @ 9:20 am - 3:00 pm
FreeThe Washington State Department of Agriculture Plant Protection Division and Yakima County Pest Board are proud to present the 3rd annual workshop Inside Looking Out: IPM practices for Tree Fruit in Washington State
Pesticide Credit:
The event is free for the public and we have 4 pesticide credits available
Washington State Department of Agriculture – Plant Protection Workshop description:
The workshop will cover several important subjects that are impacting tree fruit industry here in Yakima, WA. The topics include preparing growers and homeowners for little cherry disease, X-phytoplasma (X-disease), and tree fruit pests such as Japanese beetle, apple maggot, Asian giant hornet, spotted lanternfly, and noxious weeds. We will take an in-depth look at new strategies implemented in the field and train growers to recognize the signs of plant disease, insect pests, and weeds.
Where: virtual
Registration: Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkd-2uqDktGdKOoiFQT78QbYLCuAT0Tqyr
Date: March 08, 2022
Time: 9:20 AM – 3:00 PM
Workshop Schedule:
9:20 AM Introductions – Joshua Milnes, WSDA Plant Protection
9:30 AM Minimizing the impact of late-season apple maggot detections
Late-season captures of apple maggot adults present challenges for local pest boards, growers, packers, and shippers as well as WSDA programs in demonstrating to our trade partners that our apples are free of apple maggot. Dr. Bush will discuss why we are seeing more late-season catches based on apple maggot biology and host plant phenology. Finally, Dr. Bush will propose strategies on how we can work together to mitigate these challenges.
Dr. Mike Bush, WSDA Plant Protection Division
10:00 AM Updating the Focus of Pest Boards
Washington State’s understanding of “Commercial Orchards” continues to evolve and present everyday new challenges. One of those long-term entities that has a role in redefining its contribution to the industry is the regional Pest Board and how they are able to extend protection and to help reduce costs to growers big and small. The industry continues to transition from individual family farms to very large entities. As that evolution continues, it becomes even more important for government to provide key support to fruit farmers—the key economy of our region. A new challenge is removing what at one time were small farms, are no longer productive, and are today hosts for Pests of Concern.
Keith Mathews, Yakima County Pest & Disease Board
10:30 AM Best practice recommendations for releasing natural enemies in orchards: What we know, and what we don’t know
Purchasing natural enemies from a commercial insectary and releasing them into an orchard can be an effective pest management strategy and may be especially useful for organic operations. However, current recommendations for best practices primarily come from the greenhouse industry, which has very different pest issues, crops, and climate relative to tree fruit. This talk will cover current research on biocontrol releases and provide guidance on best practices, based on current knowledge.
Dr. Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, USDA-ARS
11:00 AM Preventing the spread of Asian giant hornet in Washington
Asian giant hornet is the largest hornet in the world. In December 2019, the first Asian giant hornet was confirmed in Blaine, WA. Asian giant hornet poses a serious threat to honeybee populations, human health, and sustainable agriculture in Washington. This session will cover their biology, highlight pest management, examine the threats they pose, and identify common imposters.
Cassie Cichorz, Outreach & Education Specialist, WSDA Pest Program
11:30 AM WSDA prevention strategies in response to spotted lanternfly and biological control of the
apple maggot-complex
WSDA is preparing for the possible introduction of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, in Washington State. We will cover the biology, ecology, and potential economic impact of this pest. We will also cover preliminary results of a survey conducted in 2021 of natural enemies of the apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella and R. zephyria ) and the benefits of biological control.
Joshua Milnes, WSDA Plant Protection Division
12:00 PM Lunch hour
1:00 PM Priority invasive species threats to the Yakima Valley
Mr. Justin Bush will introduce the mission and role of the Washington Invasive Species Council and explain the nexus of the council to Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with an overview of best management practices and selection of priority invasive species that threaten the economy and environment of the Yakima Valley.
Justin Bush, Washington Invasive Species Council
1:30 PM Weeds of concern in Eastern Washington
Focusing on identifying plants that are toxic &/or highly invasive that we are finding more frequently. Identifying the Hazards of working around these plants and threats to human and animals exposed.
Susan Bird, Yakima County Noxious Weed Control Board
2:00 PM X-disease phytoplasma & little cherry virus
Overview of X-disease Phytoplasma & Little Cherry Virus background, identification of symptoms and how they can spread within an orchard. In addition, review current ongoing WSU research trials focusing on vectors and disease biology, tree removal case studies and will present its importance to reduce the disease reservoir and spread in orchard blocks.
Garrett Bishop, G S Long
2:30 PM Japanese Beetle eradication in Grandview, WA
After finding 24,000 Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) in the Grandview area in 2021, the WSDA has been planning how to eradicate this pest from this agriculturally important area. We will review where the project currently stands and share some of the unique challenges we will need to overcome to successfully eradicate Japanese beetle from the area.
Camilo Acosta, WSDA Plant Protection
2:40 PM Questions from the audience and ending