Okanogan Horticultural Society Meeting 2025
February 6, 2025 @ 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
$10Join us for Okanogan Horticultural Society Day. We plan to have a full day of pest management and horticultural information for you. 3 WSDA pesticide update credits will be available.
Co-sponsored by: WSU Extension and Okanogan County Horticultural Association. Lunch sponsor Chelan Fresh Marketing.
No pre-registration required.
- Codling moth
- Apple maggot update
- Fire blight
- Pear psylla
- Avoiding post harvest rots and disorders
- Apple fertility
- Transition to organic panel
- and More!
and More!
3 to 4 WSDA pesticide update credits.
In person event.
$10 at the door.
Agenda (Draft)
Okanogan Horticultural Society Annual Meeting
February 6, 2025 @ 9:00am‐3:30 pm
AgriPlex Okanogan County Fair Grounds 175 Rodeo Trail Rd, Okanogan, WA 98840
9:00 AM Fire blight*
Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension
The latest updates on fire blight research from a multistate project.
9:30 AM Organic preharvest fungicides*
Achour Amiri, WSU
Amiri will address preharvest key infection times and provide an update on the efficacy of tools available in organic
10:00 AM Apple Maggot Update*
Will Carpenter, Pest Board
10:10 AM Break
10:30 AM Codling moth management reminders*
Dani Gray, WSU Extension
Remove sources: wild trees, bin piles, unpruned pollinizers. Mating disruptions works by delaying mating. Coverage
10:55 AM Avoiding resistance in organic codling moth management*
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology
Rotations. Numbers of virus applications.
11:20 AM New codling moth tools*
Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology
Efficacy information on new codling moth products.
11:40 AM Mating Disruption*
Glen Thayer, Pacific BioAg
Importance of point sources. How hand applied vs aerosols work. Using combinations of hand applied and aerosols in hot spots.
12:10 PM Lunch – Sponsored by Chelan Fresh Marketing
1:40 PM Apple and cherry fertility: getting the best bang for your buck
Bernardita Sallato, WSU Extension
2:20 PM Transitioning to Organic Panel
3:00 PM Policy Update
Jeff Lutz, Farm Bureau
3:20 PM Closing and Pesticide Credits
Vendors contact
Brent Vanbuskirk is the vendor contact.
(509) 429-5877
WSDA Pesticide education certification credits awarded for program attendance.
Extension programs and employment are available without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension Office.
All agendas are draft and subject to change.