Spotted Wing Drosophila Management Reminders
Here are a few reminders for managing Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD). Remember that cherries are susceptible to egg laying from SWD starting at straw. Dr. Beers has seen over three years that even when SWD…
Watch for Fire Blight
Warm temperatures and moisture during bloom made fire blight pressure high this year. Even where preventative control strategies were employed we are seeing damage in some fields. This is not surprising since fire blight conditions…
Organic Outlook
There is a new webpage available for organic outlook. The organic food market is dynamic and growing. In Washington State, organic tree fruit production accounts for over half of the farmgate value of organic crops…
Wednesday May 18, 2016 Stone Fruit Export Certification Training. Yakima, WA
Friday May 20, 2016 Stone Fruit Export Certification Training. Wenatchee, WA
Wednesday June 1, 2016 WA 38 June Field Days – Storage Evaluation and Mechanical Pruning Demonstration. 9:30 to 11:00 am Prosser, WA; 3:00 to 4:30 pm Rock Island, WA