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Tree Fruit News April 2021


How to assess cold damage

Following a cold night like this past Saturday/Sunday, many growers are concerned about damage to their crops. Here is a brief tutorial for assessing damage in your blocks.

Powdery Mildew of Cherry: Fungicide Resistance Update 2021

Recent research in our laboratory has identified resistance to Group 11 (QoI or strobilurin) and Group 3 (DMI) fungicides in the cherry powdery mildew pathosystem in the PNW. Avoid the use of Group 11 and…

AgWeatherNet Spring Frost Program

For the past 25 years Clearwest had provided frost forecasts for Central Washington fruit growers and decided to end this service after the 2020 season. In order for the spring frost program to continue, a…

Codling Moth Mating Disruption Considerations

Codling moth mating disruption is the foundation for integrated pest management in apple and pears. It is important to remember that the mode of action is false trail following or competitive attraction. Therefore, it is…
Figure 2 X-disease phytoplasma on Bing cherry.

Resources for Little Cherry & X-disease Scouting and Sampling 2022

Multiple resources are available for scouting and sampling of X-disease and Little Cherry disease during the 2022 season.

Plan for Multiple Fire Blight Conditions, Be Agile

Make a plan now to be ready to prevent fire blight in your orchard this year.


Fitoplasma X (Western X)

El fitoplasma X, el Little Cherry Virus 2 (LChV2) y el Little Cherry Virus 1 (LChV1), son los agentes causales de la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña. Los síntomas de la enfermedad son el desarrollo…
background image showing a both affected and unaffected cherries.

Virus de la Cereza pequeña (LChV)

El virus de la cereza pequeña 2 (LChV2) y virus de la cereza pequeña 1 (LChV1), y el fitoplasma X son los agentes causales de la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña o Little Cherry Disease…


Assessing Cold Damage – a Demonstration

This is the last of a four-part series from the sweet cherry cold hardiness webinar held on Oct 29, 2020. In this video, Assessing cold damage, Dr. Matthew Whiting, WSU professor, demonstrates how to assess…

Flowering Fruit Set & Pollination

Flowering is a critical time for growers because fertilization rate has a fundamental relationship to yield and there is a short window of opportunity to set the crop for the year. The processes of pollination…

X-disease and Little Cherry Virus Extent and Impact in the Pacific Northwest

X-disease and Little cherry virus cause small, light colored cherries. More than 238,856 trees equivalent to 974 acres of sweet cherries have been removed due to X-disease and Little Cherry Disease between 2015 and 2020…

X-disease Phytoplasma Vector Gallery

Seven leafhoppers are known to transmit X-disease phytoplasma: Colladonus montanus, Fiebriella florii, Scaphytopius acutus, Paraphlepsius irroratus, Colladonus reductus, E. variegatus and Colladonus geminatus. The two most common in Washington are C. reductus, C. geminatus. Low numbers…



Optimization of Light Interception, Leaf Area and Yield in “WA38”: Comparisons among Training Systems, Rootstocks and Pruning Techniques

WSU Anthony Brendon ,Sara Serra and Stefano Musacchi utilized new technologies for rapid assessments of LAI and light interception (LI) in ‘WA 38’ apple orchard to study productivity across two training systems (Spindle and V), two rootstocks (Geneva 41® (G41) and Malling 9—Nic29 (Nic29)) and two pruning techniques (“click” and bending) in 2016 and 2017.



Karen Lewis
Tianna DuPont
Dani Gray
Gwen Hoheisel
Marcella Magby
Manoella Mendoza
Claire Murphy
Bernardita Sallato
Tory Schmidt
Corina Serban

Washington State University