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Tree Fruit News – January 2022


El desarrollo de green spot en WA 38 se ve afectado por desequilibrio nutricional y portainjerto

Green spot es un desorden que puede afectar al cultivar ‘WA 38’. En este artículo resumimos los resultados de un estudio realizado por Bernardita Sallato entre 2018 y 2019.

Rootstock and Nutrient Imbalance Leads to ‘‘Green Spot’’ Development in ‘WA 38’ Apples

Green spot is a disorder that can lead to considerable losses for growers of ‘WA 38’ apples, here we summarize key findings on GS in WA 38 apples.
data bar graphs

Achieving higher dry matter pears with better quality using pruning

Fruit dry matter is becoming a prominent thought in growers’ minds as accumulating research suggests a direct connection between fruit dry matter content and consumer liking among numerous tree fruit commodities. The dry matter metric…

Optimization of Light Interception, Leaf Area and Yield in “WA 38”: Comparisons among Training Systems, Rootstocks and Pruning Techniques

As apple orchards have transitioned to high-density plantings, proper training systems are required to manage increased leaf area. Leaf area index (LAI) is defined as the ratio between leaf area to ground area (m2/m2) and…


Assessing Cold Damage – a Demonstration

This is the last of a four-part series from the sweet cherry cold hardiness webinar held on Oct 29, 2020. In this video, Assessing cold damage, Dr. Matthew Whiting, WSU professor, demonstrates how to assess…

New Orchard Tour Videos Posted

Convened by Dr. Stefano Musacchi, WSU hosted the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) XII Orchard Systems Symposium in July 2021. The symposium was virtual so Stefano and TJ Mullinex from the Good Fruit Grower…

Videos: seguridad en el uso de escaleras y plataformas en la huerta

La Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) se enorgullece en anuciar la publicación del video de Seguridad en el uso de Escaleras y Plataformas en Huertas Frutales.

Perfil de maduración de WA38 en tres sistemas de producción y dos portainjertos. Años 2020-2021

Estudio caso desarrollado en la huerta experimental del Centro de Investigación y Extensión, IAREC (por sus siglas en Inglés), Prosser, WA.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 3.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 3. Video clip with WA grower Bruce Allen, MI grower Chris Kropf, and NY growers Jason Woodworth and Jose Iñiguez talking about crop load management strategies. Supported by IFTA and…

WA38 maturation profile on three production systems and two rootstock types. Years 2020-2021

Case study carried out at the WA39 demo orchard at the Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (IAREC), Prosser, WA.

Orchard Ladder and Platform Safety Video

The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) is pleased to announce the release of a Ladder and Platform safety training video, which is part of a tree-fruit-focused worker safety video series being produced within the…


NCW Tree Fruit Days

Apple, Pear and Cherry Day will be held in Wenatchee, WA Jan 16-18, 2024. Okanogan Horticultural Day Feb 7, 2024.


NCW Tree Fruit Days

Jan 16 | Wenatchee Convention Center

Apple Day – North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days

Jan 17 | Wenatchee Convention Center

Stone Fruit Day – North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days

Jan 17 | Wenatchee Convention Center

Manejo de Frutales

Jan 17 | Wenatchee Convention Center

Assembling an IPM programs that work – Pear IPM Study Circle

Jan 11 | Mission Creek Community Club


Karen Lewis
Tianna DuPont
Dani Gray
Gwen Hoheisel
Marcella Magby
Manoella Mendoza
Claire Murphy
Ricardo Lima Pinto
Jodi Rinaldi
Bernardita Sallato
Tory Schmidt
Corina Serban


The January 2022 edition of Fruit Matters was edited by Bernardita Sallato, WSU Extension.

Washington State University