Monitor and Manage Vectors of X-disease phytoplasma
Both leafhopper population numbers and X-disease phytoplasma concentration in the tree are likely to be higher after harvest. When phytoplasma concentration in the tree is higher, leafhoppers are more likely to acquire and transfer the…
Little Cherry Disease Q&A With The Experts
When researchers talk about ‘Little Cherry’ they are using a colloquial term for three different pathogens: Little cherry virus-1 (LChV-1) and Little cherry virus-2 (LChV-2) which cause Little Cherry Disease, and Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni, the…
Costs and Benefits of Little Cherry Management
Is aggressive pro-active management of X-disease and little cherry disease worth the cost? Below are three scenarios adapted from management costs and disease progression from example Washington orchards. Proactive management in these examples extends the…
Progress Towards Leafhopper Degree-Day Model Slow but Steady
TFREC researchers are building a tool for growers to predict leafhopper populations in cherry orchards. It’s a long process, but the work will lead to more precise spray timings for X-disease vectors.
WSU releases enterprise budgets for sweet cherry
Karina Gallardo and Suzette Galinato of the WSU School of Economic Sciences worked with producers, packers, and allied industry to develop a series of cherry enterprise budgets in late 2021.
Apple Maggot Survey Update
Apple maggot has never been detected in commercially packed Washington fruit, and this program is critical to protect trade agreements. The following is a summary of the 2021 annual report for Washington from the WSDA
Consider Trapping for Spotted-Wing Drosophila
Pressure from spotted-wing drosophila (SWD) varies from year to year. Some years (like 2015) with mild winters and early springs can produce high levels of pressure regionally, but some areas or orchards may have high…
Help Needed — Fire Blight Samples
A cold spring may not favor fire blight development, but late planting with late bloom as well as a severe thunderstorm, hail, and excessive rain may lead to unexpected severe shoot blight.
High temperatures this summer put agricultural workers at increased risk for heat illness, a medical condition that if left unchecked could lead to death. The Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health (PNASH) Center has a…

Sunburn in apple and strategies to mitigate it
Written by Jenny L. Bolivar-Medina, ITT WSU Extension, and Lee Kalcsits, Endowed Chair WSU Horticulture. August 2021. In this article there is a brief description of what is sunburn, types of sunburn and the current…

Cooling Mechanisms for a Tree Fruit Orchard
Fruit nearing harvest when the background color starts to turn yellow is particularly susceptible to sunburn. Cooling systems need to start when air temperatures reach 85-90 °F. This article covers key cooling system characteristics.
Guía de Defectos en WA 38
Defectos comunes y características únicas en WA 38 durante la temporada de crecimiento cercana a la cosecha y durante su almacenamiento. Traducido por Jenny L. Bolivar-Medina. Extensión en transferencia de tecnologías e información (ITT por…
Quemadura de sol en manzanas y estrategias para mitigarla.
Escrito por Jenny L. Bolivar-Medina, ITT WSU Extension, y Lee Kalcsits, Endowed Chair WSU Horticulture. Agosto 2021. En este artículo se describe brevemente que es la quemadura de sol, sus clases y las estrategias que…
Mecanismos de Enfriamiento para una Huerta de Árboles Frutales
Cuando las frutas están en estados más avanzados de desarrollo, cerca de la cosecha cuando se tornan amarillas, son particularmente susceptibles. Es en estos estados, y particularmente cuando la temperatura ambiental alcanza entre 85 y…
Smart Orchard Field Day- New Technologies. English/Spanish
Join us to learn from the remaining tech providers involved in the WA Fruit Smart Orchard Project-, Dynamax, Ceres, Thingy, IOT, Aker Ag, & Arable. Get your chance to network & learn about emerging…
Merging Nuevas Tecnologías and New Technologies Días de Campo! August 2, 2022
*** Debido al clima y para brindarles mayor interacción con tecnologías en la agricultura, este evento se integró con el que se dará en Inglés en Agosto 2, 2022. La información será ofrecida simultáneamente en…
Huerto Inteligente- Día de Campo- Nutrición y Manejo de Estrés por Calor
Los invitamos a participar en este evento, en donde equipos de investigación de WSU compartirán información sobre el uso de nuevas tecnologías para el manejo de nutrición, estres por calor y del uso del agua…
Smart Orchard Field Day- Nutrition, and Heat Stress Management
Join us to learn from WSU research teams about the use of new technologies for orchard management related to nutrition, heat stress, and water use. Para ver la versión en Español del evento, haga click…

Climate: Why Does it Matter? with Dr. Nicholas Bond
Dr. Bond, from the Office of the Washington State Climatologist, share with us insights into the heatwave and drought of 2021, as well as the observed trends in heat, cold snaps, floods, and air pollution,…
Smart Orchard Field Day- Nutrition, and Heat Stress Management
Jul 26 | Smart Orchard- Grandview, WA
Huerto Inteligente- Día de Campo- Nutrición y Manejo de Estrés por Calor
Jul 27 | Smart Orchard- Grandview, WA
Smart Orchard Field Day- New Technologies. English/Spanish
Aug 2 | Smart Orchard- Grandview, WA
Merging Nuevas Tecnologías and New Technologies Días de Campo! August 2, 2022
Aug 3 | Smart Orchard- Grandview, WA
Karen Lewis
Tianna DuPont
Dani Gray
Gwen Hoheisel
Marcella Magby
Manoella Mendoza
Claire Murphy
Bernardita Sallato
Tory Schmidt
Corina Serban
The July 2022 edition of Fruit Matters was edited by Jenny Bolivar-Medina, WSU Extension.