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Tree Fruit News – September 2021


WA 38 Greasiness Incidence in Pre-Commercialization Plantings

Greasiness of WA 38 apples is most prevalent in fruit from young trees (2-3 years old). Fruit stored in refrigerated air (RA) typically develops more greasiness than fruit stored in controlled atmosphere (CA). 1-MCP suppresses…

Autonomous Tractor Guidance

With driverless tractors applying pesticides now a reality in Washington State, the WSDA Pesticide Management Division has already created their first “Guidance” handout. This document outlines the primary requirements an applicator should be following, no…

Fall Nutrient Sprays in Tree Fruit

Honeycrisp Virtual Meetups Takeaways

In this article, we review the key questions answered by experts about managing crop load, nutrition, rootstocks, and harvest for Honeycrisp.

2021 WTFRC Cherry Pesticide Residue Study

Since 2011, the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission has conducted annual studies to provide the Northwest cherry industry with basic information about residues of commonly used pesticides. These studies are intended to help growers and…

Understanding your X-disease, Little Cherry Disease Test Results

As you sample and test for X-disease and Little cherry disease here are a few things to keep in mind as you read your results.

Recomendaciones para la cosecha de WA 38

Escrito por Carolina Torres, Endowed Chair Sistemas de Postcosecha- WSU. En este artículo/infografía, se proveen recomendaciones generales a tener en cuenta durante la cosecha de WA 38.

Presencia de Grasitud en Plantaciones de Pre-comercialización de WA 38

En este artículo los autores evalúan la presencia de grasitud en manzanas de WA 38 provenientes de dos huertos pre-comerciales a través de los años (2010 al 2016).

Need Help in Identifying Postharvest Defect and Disorders?

Written by Karen Lewis, August 2021 Spots, rots, splits, and other bummers in the bin can be a challenge to identify. Is it pest damage, a disease, an environmental or physiological disorder? Resources are available…

You Can Burn Orchard Weeds if…

The statewide burn ban is still in place. However, an amendment to the order allows the use of propane-fueled burners for weed control under the following conditions: 1. Orchard floor is wet from recent or…
Honeycrisp with flesh vascular necrosis lessions

Symptoms of a necrotic vascular disorder in apples

During the 2019 apple harvest in the Yakima Valley of Washington State an apparently new disorder was detected in fruit of several cultivars.  The disorder first appeared in ‘Honeycrisp’ apples during routine quality control checks. …

New Pear Research Projects 2021-2022

Based on the recommendations of the Pear Research Subcommittee, the Fresh and Processed Pear Committees jointly approved funding for 7 new pear research projects for 2021-2022 totaling roughly $300,000 for the current season.

Gray Mold Enhances Listeria Persistence on Gala Apples During Long-Term Storage

Gray mold is one of the four most prevalent fungal species observed to contribute to postharvest fungal losses of fresh apples in Washington State. The disease is caused by Botrytis cinerea, a fungal pathogen that…

Updating WSDA Pesticide Penalties Rules

The WSDA Pesticide Management Division invites you as an important stakeholder to participate in a WSDA rule-making process for the pesticide penalty assignment rules. On December 18, 2019, WSDA filed a CR-101 with the Office…


WA 38 Field Day – Research & Harvest Management Updates

Pre-registration Required Date: Friday, September 17, 2021 Time: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Locations: WSU Sunrise Orchard (Rock Island) & Monument Hill Orchard (Quincy) Schedule: Stop #1 – 9:30 am WSU Sunrise Research Orchard 115…

Día de Campo en WSU Roza- Análisis de Almidón

En este día de campo se revisará como evaluar el porcentaje de almidón en WA 38 y recomendaciones generales a tener en cuenta durante la cosecha.
Washington State University