Tree Fruit Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition in Cropping Orchards in Central Washington
A strategy with five steps: comprehensive information on soil and plant nutrition to increase production in cropping orchards.
Written by: Bernardita Sallato, Extension Specialist, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University; Tianna DuPont, Extension Specialist, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Washington State University; David Granatstein, Sustainable Agriculture Specialist and Professor Emeritus, Washington State University. Publication # EM119E
Healthy trees need healthy roots to take up water and nutrients; healthy soils to provide water, nutrients, and protection from plant pathogens; sufficient water; and exemplary horticulture. When considering tree nutrition, it is essential to start with standard soil and tissue diagnostics. These tools are often more valuable when used together, when coupled with observations of the tree, and when results are monitored over time for trends.