Tree Fruit Extension Specialist
Washington State University
Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center
1100 N Western Ave.,
Wenatchee, WA 98801
office: (509) 293-8758
DuPont’s Extension program works to bring research based information to the Tree Fruit Industry through trainings, applied research, technology and consultations. Current program areas include:
- Organic Production. Orchard floor management cover crop, cultivation and mulching strategies.
- Sustainable Pest & Disease Management. Fire blight control strategies, integrated pear psylla management, bio-renovation strategies for replant disease.
- Soil & Water Management. Orchard soil quality evaluation and improvement for consistent high quality fruit yield, irrigation efficiency for fruit quality.
- Next Generation Tree Fruit Network. Field days, workshops and networking for young, new, next generation, and Latino growers, managers and industry professionals.
- Increase Knowledge and Application of Tree Fruit BMPs. Fruit Matters Newsletter, trainings, field days, North Central Washington Winter Conference, Fruit Schools.

Chris Strohm, Scientific Assistant 2016 to 2021. Horticulturalist with Northwest Wholesale 2022 to present.

Gabriela Bolonas, Scientific Assistant 2023. Masters Student with WSU Horticultural 2024.

Aina Baro Sabe, Post Doctoral Scholar, Plant Pathology, Fire Blight 2022 to 2024.

Ricardo Lima Pinto, Post Doctoral Scholar, Pear IPM 2023 to 2024. Assistant Professor Montana State University 2024 to present.

Ryder Reiman, Summer Assistant

Tree Fruit Extension Publications
Nottingham, L., Orpet, R., Hilton, R., DuPont, S.T. Pear Psylla Integrated Pest Management. Washington State University. 2022. FS376E
DuPont, S.T., Peters, T., Kalcsits, L. Using Soil Moisture Sensors in Pears. Washington State University. 2022. FS377E
DuPont, S.T., Hewavitharana, S., Mazzola, M. Phytophthora Crown, Collar and Root Rot of Apple and Cherry. Washington State University. February 2019.
Hewavitharana, S., DuPont, S.T., Mazzola, M. Apple Replant Disease. Washington State University. Accepted November 2018.
DuPont, S. T., Granatstein, D. Compost Use for Tree Fruit. Washington State University. Accepted October 2018.
DuPont, S.T., Granatstein, D., Sallato, B. Soil Health in Orchards. Washington State University. Accepted October 2018.
DuPont, S.T. Soil Biota in Orchards. Washington State University FS315E. April 2019.
DuPont, S.T., Johnson, K., Elkins, R., Smith, T., Granatstein, D. 2017. Organic Fire Blight Management in the Western U.S. eOrganic.
DuPont, S.T., Ferris, H., Mazzola, M., Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Orchards – Biology and Management in Washington.
Selected Tree Fruit Web Pages, Articles, and Videos
Pear IPM DuPont, S.T., Beers, E., Nottingham, L., Strohm, C 2022.
Crop Protection Guide for Tree Fruit. DuPont, S.T., Nottingham, L., Beers, B., Grove, G., Amiri, A.
X-disease Phytoplasma. DuPont, S.T., Harper, S., Northfield, T., Nottingham, L. Last update 2021.
X-disease Scouting and Sampling Guide. DuPont, S.T., Harper, S., Thompson, A., Sallato, B. 2021
The Soil is Alive. An animated video. DuPont, S.T. 2017.
COSMIC CRISP® Characteristics and Horticulture. 2017. Musacchi, S., Hanrahan, I., Lewis, K., Evans, K., DuPont, S. T.
Orchard Biorenovation. An animated video. DuPont, S.T., Hewavitharana, S., Hewavitharana, I. Washington State University. 2016.
Fire Blight. Smith, T., DuPont, S.T. Washington State University. Last updated April 2023.
Little Cherry Disease. Bixby-Brosi, A., Beers, E., Smith, T., DuPont, S.T. 2016
Fungal Cherry Cankers. DuPont, S.T., Grove, G., Thompson, A. 2023.
Symptoms of X-disease Phytoplasma Gallery. DuPont, S.T., Molnar, C. 2021.
Journal Articles
Avila, L., McCullough, C., Schiffer, A., Moreno, J., Ganjur, N., Ofenloch, Z., DuPont, T., Nottingham, L., Gerardo, N. M., and Brosi, B. J. 2024. Effects of a field-sprayed antibiotic on bee foraging behavior and pollination in pear orchards. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 359:108757.
DuPont, S. T., Cox, K., Johnson, K., Peter, K., Smith, T., Munir, M., and Baro, A. 2023. Evaluation of biopesticides for the control of Erwinia amylovora in apple and pear. Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s42161-023-01372-7
DuPont, S. T., Strohm, C., Kogan, C., Hilton, R., Nottingham, L., and Orpet, R. 2023. Pear psylla and natural enemy thresholds for successful integrated pest management in pears. Journal of Economic Entomology.
DuPont, S.T., Munir, M., Cox, K., Johnson, K., Peter, K, Baro, A. Journal of Plant Pathology. Evaluation of pruning therapies in apple trees with fire blight. 2023. 10.1007/s42161-023-01447-5
Orpet, R.J., Beers, E.H., DuPont, S.T., Hilton, R., Kalcsits, L.A., Nottingham, L.B. Evaluation of reflective groundcovers for pest and fruit quality management in commercial pear orchards. Journal of Applied Entomology.
DuPont, S.T., Kalcsits, L., Kogan, C. 2021. Soil Health Indicators for Central Washington Orchards. PLOS ONE 0258991
DuPont, S.T. Strohm, C., Nottingham, L, Rendon, D. Evaluation of an integrated pest management program for central Washington pear orchards. Biological Control. 2021.152: 104390
DuPont ST, John Strohm C. Integrated pest management programmes increase natural enemies of pear psylla in Central Washington pear orchards. J Appl Entomol. 2020;144:109–122. download
White, C., DuPont, S. T., Hautau, M., Hartman, D., Finney, D.M., Brosi, B., LaChance, J.C., Kaye, J.P. Managing Tradeoffs Between Nitrogen Supply and Retention with Cover Crop Mixtures. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment. Submitted August 15, 2016.
DuPont, S. T., Beniston, J., Glover, J.D., Hodson, A., Culman, S. W., Lal, R., Ferris, H. Root traits and soil properties in harvested perennial grassland, annual wheat, and never-tilled annual wheat. Plant and Soil. 382:1-2. 2014.
Beniston, J.W., DuPont, S.T., Glover, J.D., Lal, R., Dungain, J.A.J. Soil organic carbon dynamics 75 years after land-use change in perennial grassland and annual wheat agricultural systems. Biogeochemistry. 120: 1-3. 2014.
Glover, J.D., Culman, S.W., DuPont, S.T., Broussard,W., Young, L., Mangan, M., Mai, J., Crews, T.E., DeHaan, L.R., Buckley, D., Ferris, H., Turner, R.E., Reynolds, H., Wyse,D. Harvested perennial grassland provide ecological benchmarks for agricultural sustainability. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 2010.
Cullman, S., DuPont, S.T., Glover, J.D. Long-term impacts of high-input annual cropping and unfertilized perennial grass production on soil properties and belowground food webs in Kansas, USA. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 2010.
DuPont, S.T., Cullman, S., Ferris, H., Buckley, B., Glover, J.D. No-tillage conversion of harvested perennial grassland to annual cropland reduces root biomass, decreases active carbon stocks, and impacts soil biota. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 2010.
DuPont, S.T., Ferris, H., and Van Horn, M., Cover crop quality and quantity affect soil food webs and nutrient cycling in soils. Applied Soil Ecology. 2008.
Project Reports
Pear IPM Specialty Crop Block Grant Final Report (2019.12.18 final)
DuPont Cox Peter Johnson Integrated Fire Blight Management Final Report (f)
Tree Fruit Newsletter Articles
DuPont, S.T., Serban, C. Costs and Benefits of Little Cherry Management. Fruit Matters. July 2022.
DuPont, S.T., Serban, C., Sallato, B. Monitor and Manage Vectors of X-disease phytoplasma. Fruit Matters. June 2022.
DuPont, S.T. Apple Maggot Survey Update. Fruit Matters. June 20, 2022.
DuPont, S.T. Spring and Fall Broadleaf Herbicide Applications a Component of Integrated X-disease Management. Fruit Matters. April 2022.
DuPont, S.T. Fire Blight Season: Know your Risk. Fruit Matters. April 2022.
DuPont, S.T., Kalcsits, L., Kogan, C. Soil health indicators for Central Washington orchards. Fruit Matters. December 2021.
DuPont, S.T., Musacchi, S. Pear Productivity Study Circle Highlights. Fruit Matters. November 2021.
DuPont, S.T., Harper, S. Understanding your X-disease, Little Cherry Disease Test Results. Fruit Matters. August 2021.
DuPont, S.T., Peters, T. Using Soil Moisture Sensors in Pears. Fruit Matters. October 2021.
DuPont, S.T. Fire blight risk high with warm temperatures: Reminders. Fruit Matters. April 2021.
DuPont, S.T. Mazzola, M. Evaluating IPM Methods to Control Apple Replant Disease. Fruit Matters. January 2021.
DuPont, S.T., S. S. Hewavitharana, M. Mazzola. Evaluating IPM Methods to Control Apple Replant Disease. Australian Fruit Growers Magazine. V. 14. Issue 3. Spring 2020.
DuPont, S.T., Strohm, C., Molnar, C., Naranjo, R., Bishop, G., Case studies on tree removal for X-disease phytoplasma and Little cherry virus. Fruit Matters. August 8, 2020.
Molnar, C., Northfield, T. Questions and Answers on Insect Vectors of X-disease Phytoplasma. Fruit Matters. August 5, 2020.
DuPont, S.T., Northfield, T. X-disease phytoplasma vector management for 2020. Fruit Matters. July 7, 2020. Updated Aug 20, 2020.
DuPont, S.T., Northfield, T., Naranjo, R., Sallato, B. Gestión de vectores de fitoplasma X para 2020. Fruit Matters. July 1, 2020.
DuPont, S.T. Canker Removal Now is Critical for Fire Blight Management. Fruit Matters, January, 2020.
DuPont, S.T. BMPs for tree removal for X disease and Little Cherry Virus infected trees. Fruit Matters. August 21, 2019.
DuPont, S.T., Northfield, T., Harper, S., Ferguson, H. Western X Questions and Answers. What do we know? What do we not know? Fruit Matters. July 17, 2019.
DuPont, S.T. Getting Ready for Fire Blight Prevention. Fruit Matters. April 5, 2019.
DuPont, S. T., James, D. Beauty with Benefits – Native Plants for Beneficial Insects. Fruit Matters. January 25, 2019.
DuPont, S.T. Fall Fire Blight Considerations. Fruit Matters, October 10, 2018.
Strohm, C., DuPont, S. T. Green Lacewings – Know the Good Guys in your Pear Orchard. Fruit Matters. September 10, 2018.
DuPont, S.T. Adding to the Codling Moth IPM Tool Box. Fruit Matters, August 1, 2018.
Strohm, C., DuPont, S. T. Campylomma bug – Know the Good Guys in your Pear Orchard. Fruit Matters, July 10, 2018.
Strohm, C., DuPont, S. T. Deraeocoris bug – Know the Good Guys in your Pear Orchard. Fruit Matters, June 22, 2018.
DuPont, S.T. Cutting Fire Blight Strikes. Fruit Matters, May 28, 2018.
DuPont, S.T., Kalscits, L. Moving Beyond Calcium Sprays. Fruit Matters, April 21, 2018.
DuPont, S.T., Lewis, K. Robot Ready Canopies. Fruit Matters, April 7, 2018.
DuPont, S.T Musacchi, S. Pear Pruning and Horticulture in Higher Density Systems Demonstration. Fruit Matters, February 12, 2018
Grove, G., DuPont, S.T. Cherry Powdery Mildew – Questions and Answers from 2017. Fruit Matters, December 11, 2018.
DuPont, S. T., Beers, E. Oriental Fruit Moth in Organic Blocks. Fruit Matters, October 23, 2017.
DuPont, S. T., Auvil, T. 2017 Geneva Rootstock Tour Observations. Fruit Matters, September 8, 2017.
DuPont, S. T. Dealing with Fire Blight Once it is in the Orchard. Fruit Matters, July 22, 2017.
DuPont, S. T., Smith, T. Cherry Fruit Fly Clean Up Sprays. Fruit Matters, July 22, 2017.
DuPont, S. T., Peters, T. Irrigation Scheduling Tool Available as Online Phone Ap. Fruit Matters, July 8, 2017.
DuPont, S.T., Kalscits, L. Calcium Recommendations for Apples. Fruit Matters, May 08, 2017.
Eastwell, K. DuPont, S. T. Western X and other Cherry Viruses. Fruit Matters, April 25, 2017.
DuPont, S. T. Fire Blight Season Approaches. Fruit Matters, April 24, 2017.
DuPont, S.T. Dealing with Fire Blight Once it is in the Orchard. July, 2017.
DuPont, S.T. Fire Blight Management. Tips for Using Blossom Protect. Fruit Matters, April 10, 2017.
Yang, W., DuPont, S.T. Cherry Calcium Management Update. Fruit Matters, February 5, 2017.
DuPont, S.T. Kalcists, L., Musacchi, S. Photoselective Anti Hail Netting. Fruit Matters, August 2016.
DuPont, S. T., Beers, E. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Fruit Matters, August 2016.
DuPont, S.T., Bixby-Brosi, A. Little Cherry Disease Sampling and Diagnosis. Fruit Matters, June 2016.
DuPont, S.T., Peters, T. Irrigation Scheduling Tool Available Online and as a New Phone Ap. Fruit Matters, May 2016.
DuPont, S.T. Watch for Fire Blight. Fruit Matters, May 2016.
DuPont, S. T., Musacchi, S., Auvil, T., Evans,K. Cosmic Crisp Horticulture: Characteristics and Preliminary Results. Fruit Matters, April 2016.
Bixby-Brosi, A., Beers, E., Smith, T., DuPont, T. Little Cherry Disease Management. Fruit Matters, March 2016.
DuPont, S.T., Mussachi, S., Gix, B. Bartlett Pear Pruning. Fruit Matters, March 2016.
Extension Publications other
DuPont, S. T. Keeping Produce Fresh: Postharvest Handling for Market Growers and Farm-to-Institution Sales. The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. EE0162
DuPont, S.T. Laborde, L. Reducing Food Safety Risks During Harvest. Food Safety Factsheet. The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. EE0141.
DuPont, S.T. Laborde, L. Reducing Risks from Animals and Manure. Food Safety Factsheet.The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. EE0139.
DuPont, S.T. Laborde, L. Reducing Food Safety Risks in the Packhouse. Food Safety Factsheet. The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. EE0142
Laborde, L. DuPont, S.T. Safe Uses of Agricultural Water. Food Safety Factsheet. The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. EE0140.
Laborde, L. DuPont, S.T. Worker Health and Hygiene Food Safety Factsheet. The Pennsylvania State University. 2015. EE0161.
DuPont, S.T. Where Do I Put My Crops? Planning a Crop Rotation from the Start. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE # EE0032.
DuPont, S. T., Gugino, B.K. Diagnosing a Plant Problem 101. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0033.
DuPont, S. T., Gugino, B.K. Ecological Disease Management. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0034.
DuPont, S. T., Grantham, A. Managing Soils. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0035.
DuPont, S. T., Gugino, B. Plant Disease Basics. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0036.
DuPont, S. T. Potting Media and Plant Propagation. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0037.
DuPont, S. T. Seed and Seedling Biology. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0038.
DuPont, S. T. Selecting the Right Seeding and Transplanting Strategies. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0039.
DuPont, S. T. Soil Quality. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0040.
DuPont, S. T. Creating a Weed Management Plan for Your Organic Farm. The Pennsylvania State University 2012. Start Farming Factsheet. CODE #EE0041.