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2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series – Labor session 2

This second webinar included legal considerations and labor efficiency, with emphasis on the H2a program. Panelist included Dr. Brooke Duer, Dr. Philip Martin, and Dr.…

Climate: Why Does it Matter? with Dr. Nicholas Bond

Dr. Bond, from the Office of the Washington State Climatologist, share with us insights into the heatwave and drought of 2021, as well as the…

2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series – Labor session

This is the first presentation in the 2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup series, recorded on June 6, 2022. The 2022 series theme is Orchard Efficiencies: Labor…

How to check for apple bud damage on the tree

Looking for apple bud damage? Watch as Washington State University’s Matthew Whiting shows how to quickly cut and evaluate apple buds on the tree and…

Importance of Sanitation for Codling Moth

This interview was conducted as part of the 2022 Codling Moth Summit. It features expert advice from Mark LePierre, a consultant and farm manager who…

Codling Moth Orchard Management and Socioeconomic Considerations

A Codling Moth Summit was held in February 2022 to highlight and capture known research and best practices for IPM programs in codling moth control.…

Root Health, Fertility, Water, and Crop load Effects on Bitter Pit

Bernardita Sallato, WSU Extension reviews factors contributing to bitter pit in WA and targeted management at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days.

Season Long IPM Management for Pear Psylla

Pear psylla phenology, pre‐bloom kaolin and insect growth regulators, summer pruning, timing honeydew washes, summer covers, fall kaolin. A presentation by Louis Nottingham, WSU Entomology…

Climate Outlook and Considerations for Washington Tree Fruit Production

Sonia Hall WSU CSANR. Expected changes in climate, ongoing research areas, including future chilling hours, sunburn and irrigation water availability. North Central Washington Tree Fruit…

Codling Moth Management Tools

The research and how to use it on SIR, netting and other tools to add to high pressure codling moth blocks. Presented by Betsy Beers,…
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Washington State University