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Pre-emergent Herbicides-Timing Trials and Product

Mike discussed results from his multi-year pre-emergent herbicide timing trials at two field sites in New York. He provided some practical tips for fall herbicide…

Codling Moth: Achieving Optimum Spray Coverage

Sprayer calibration and optimization per canopy architecture is achievable if it is prioritized by management and personnel have an understanding of the affect of air,…

Codling Moth: Considerations When Building a Spray Program

Chemical choices are clear, but the challenge is how to build a spray program that incorporates “The Decision Triad”, resistance management, and takes advantage of…

Codling Moth: Resistance Management

Historically, the availability of different chemical choices has been driven by regulations and pesticide resistance. Understanding how the over use of chemical classes leads to…

Codling Moth: The Effects of Netting

Netting is commonly used for sun and wind protection, but it can also be used to exclude insects from an orchard. Adrian Marshall shares research…

Codling Moth: Importance of Sanitation

Orchard sanitation includes the use of tree banding and removing infested apples. While successful, they can be laborious. Washington state industry expert Mark LePierre shares…

Codling Moth: New Zealand Experience

New Zealand has successfully implemented Sterile Insect Release programs. The industry values IPM tactics and uses sterile insects as another integral tool. Principal Scientist, Jim…

Codling Moth: The Canadian Experience

Canada has a successful Sterile Insect Release (SIR) program that was government funded. SIR is area-wide which has disrupts mating of codling moths and allows…

Codling Moth: Mating Disruption

Essential to an IPM program is understanding the different pheromone mating disruption techniques and their unique strengths and weaknesses. In this presentation, Don Thomson discusses…

Codling Moth: How Orchard Management and Socioeconomic Conditions Affect Codling Moth

Orchard pest management, like pruning and thinning, is expensive and conducted on viable blocks. Abandoned or neglected orchards can lead directly to high populations of…
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Washington State University