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Proposing a system to measure carbon fluxes in apple orchards. Dr. Andrew Bierer

These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research…

Carbon models for organic soil amendments. Dr. Ball.

These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research…

Understanding the carbon footprint: Case studies in tree fruit. Dr. Arellano.

These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research…

Cómo verificar si hay daños en la yema de la manzana en el árbol

¿Busca daños en los brotes de manzana? Observe cómo Bernardita Sallato, de la Universidad Estatal de Washington, muestra cómo cortar y evaluar rápidamente los capullos…

Smart Orchard Field Day: Smart Apply/RDO Demonstration

In this video, we will learn what smart guided systems to spray. How it works, and how to calculate the application rates. We will also…

Smart Orchard Field Day: G.U.S.S. Demonstration

In this video we will learn what is GUSS technology and how it works. We will also see a demo spraying in a commercial apple…

WSU Weather School Video

Meteorologic Basics by Jon Boomgard-Zagrodnik

Consumer Preferences for Pears

Carolyn Ross, Ann Colonna, and Karina Gallardo will discuss extensive research conducted last winter with over 20 pear varieties aimed at understanding which characteristics consumers in…

Understanding the carbon footprint of tree fruit: Dr. Arellano

These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research…

2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series – Technology

This is the fourth presentation in the 2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup series, recorded on July 14, 2022. The 2022 series theme is Orchard Efficiencies: Labor…
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Washington State University