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Stone Fruit Day – North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days
January 17, 2024 @ 8:45 am - 3:30 pm
Join WSU Extension for the latest research-based information. 3 WSDA and ODA pesticide update credits. Co-sponsor Northwest Cherry Growers.
North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days
Join us for WSU Tree Fruit Extension Programs in North Central Washington. Co-sponsored by Northwest Cherries, Pear Bureau Northwest, NCW Fieldmen’s Association, Chelan Future Farmers of America and the Okanogan Horticultural Association. These events provide the latest research-based information on horticulture, pest and disease management. We hope you will join us to network and learn this winter. Apple, Pear and Cherry Day will be held in Wenatchee, WA January 16-18, 2024 with a virtual webinar option.
Events in 2024 will be held in person with a virtual option through zoom webinars for Apple, Pear and Stone Fruit Days.
Stone Fruit Day Topics
Topics this year include:
Session 1: Insect & Disease management
- Fungal Dieback and Cherry Cankers
- X-disease and Little Cherry Disease
- Powdery Mildew
Session 2: Bird Management
- Bird Management Techniques
Session 3: Horticulture and Markets
- Cherry Variety Research Update
- Tough Decisions in 2023 Panel
- Stone Fruit Marketing Panel
- Cropload Management
3 pesticide update credits WSDA and 2 for ODA.
Registration is required for virtual webinar attendance (fees cover audio-visual technician). In person attendees are welcome to register to have a back-up attendance method through the webinar link. Walk-ins okay for in person participation. Register for virtual attendance.
Join us for the sponsored networking lunch which provides an opportunity to learn and network with your peers and visiting speakers. Sponsored by SymAgro and TBD. Sponsored lunch limited to the first 100 attendees per day. Register here.
NCW Stone Fruit Day
January 17, 2024 @ 9:00am-3:30 pm
Wenatchee Convention Center
3 WSDA and ODA pesticide update credits pending approval.
Hybrid In-person and Virtual event
Co-Sponsored by WSU Extension and NW Cherry Growers.
Session 1: Pest, Weed and Disease Management
9:00 AM Bulletins Live Two
John Greenfield, WSDA
New pesticide regulatory requirements.
9:15 AM Fungal Dieback – Common Causes Survey and Field Diagnosis
Gary Grove, WSU Plant Pathology
Results of a 2023 survey of fungal dieback pathogens of stone fruit. Do we have new problems?
9:25 AM Powdery Mildew Best Management
Gary Grove, WSU Plant Pathology
Management starts with pruning. Irrigation starts the infection cycle. Suckering. Importance of timing products in the rotation. MRLs.
9:50 AM Break
10:05 AM X Disease – New Research on Orchard Floor Management
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology; Adrian Marshall, USDA-ARS Wapato
Broadleaf weed management. Importance of managing root suckers.
10:30 AM X-disease and Little Cherry Virus 2 Reminders
Tianna DuPont, WSU
10:45 AM Elections
Ignacio Marquez,WSDA
Session 2: Bird Management
10:55 AM The Good, the Bad, and the Risk of Birds (virtual)
David Gonthier, University of Kentucky
11:25 AM Bird Management Strategies (virtual)
Catherine Lindell, Michigan State University
Simple rules, Assess Risk, Reduce Resources, Management Techniques (cannons, drones, lasers, barriers, sonic nets), Attracting Beneficials
11:55 PM Lunch Sponsored by SymAgro and TBD first 100 registrants
Session 3: Horticulture and Markets
1:10 PM Cherry Variety Research Update
Per McCord, WSU Horticulture
1:30 PM Tough Decisions in 2023 Panel – What Decisions did you make? How did you make them?
A panel discussion with Andy Gale and Norm Gutzwiler
What decisions did you make? How did you make them? What caused the problem?
2:10 PM Stone Fruit Marketing Panel
Tate Mathison, Stemilt; Joel Hunter, CMI
2:40 PM Cropload Management and Preventing Cherry Doubling
Matt Whiting, WSU Horticulture
3:05 PM How to Prevent Overset Fruit (in person only)
Pruning methods for Gisela vs Mazzard rootstocks.
Mark Hanrahan, Jake Gutzwiler
3:30 PM Closing and Pesticide Credits
To join the tradeshow please contact the NCW Fieldmen’s association at ncwfieldman@nwi.net
Gary Grove is a Professor in WSU Department of Plant Pathology. His work focuses on epidemiology and management of fungal diseases of stone fruits; disease forecasting and fungicide resistance management.
David Gonthier is an assistant professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Kentucky. His research seeks to find solutions to environmental challenges in agriculture while balancing socio-economic concerns of farmers and other stakeholders.
John Greenfield is a pesticide investigator for the WSDA located in Wenatchee WA. He grew up on apple and cherry orchards.
Tobin Northfield is an Assistant Professor for WSU Department of Entomology. He leads an interdisciplinary task force comprising researchers and representatives from government and industry that works to improve management X-disease and Little cherry disease. He leads a project focusing on X-disease vector management including the use of cultural controls such as Surround and Extenday.
Adrian Marshall is a Postdoctoral Research Associate for the USDA-ARS TTFVRU in Wapato, WA. He began working on X-disease vector management in 2020 and has focused on cultural controls, leafhopper vector identification, and the pathogen transmission cycle within the leafhoppers.
Catherine Lindell is Associate Professor and Interim Chair in the Department of Integrative Biology and Michigan State University. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Ornithological Applications. She and her lab group study the costs and benefits bird can produce in fruit-production systems.
Matt Whiting is a Professor of Horticulture for Washington State University. His focus is on: whole-tree physiology, high efficiency orchard architecture, incorporating automation/mechanization in fruit production systems, environmental control of fruit quality, and pollination biology.
Per McCord leads the Washington State University stone fruit breeding and genetics program, with a focus on developing new sweet cherry varieties for the Pacific Northwest.
Credits Q&A
WSDA and ODA pesticide update credits. To receive credits for online attendance, participants must:
- Register each participant including pesticide license information. Make sure registrant name matches name on license.
- Attend the full morning session. The webinar software tracks the number of minutes each attendee has participation. 3 credit sessions require 150 minutes of pesticide related content.
- Respond to poll questions and check-ins during the workshop.
Common Zoom Problems and Trouble Shooting
- Cannot enter the webinar.
- Early? If you are early you will receive a message that the meeting has not started yet. Just wait and we will have webinar open soon.
- Enter the passcode: you can attend the meeting without a zoom account, but you have to enter the passcode to get in. Passcode: 1111.
- All online participants will be required to have a zoom account to sign in due to WSU security policies. Go to https://zoom.us/ to sign up (free) and don’t forget to check your email to confirm. Please make sure to sign in early and check that zoom is working for you and that recent updates have been downloaded.
- No sound
- Check your audio settings in zoom. Click on the up arrow close to the microphone icon at the bottom of your screen. Choose audio settings and check that you have the correct speaker and microphone checked.
- Check your audio in your computer settings.
- Still having trouble. Call (509) 293-8792. Note these phone numbers will be forwarded to volunteers during the hour before and after the webinar starts as Tianna will be running the meeting.
Common questions:
- Can I have multiple people watching on one computer? The webinar host can only verify attendance for each logged in participant. If it is not possible for each participant to login separately, please contact Tianna (509) 713-5346 in advance to designate a host for your site who can verify attendance.