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Tree Fruit News May 2020


News from Tree Fruit Extension Economics

WSU Extension Specialist Karina Gallardo has recently revised the Tree Fruit Extension Economics website. We have also updated the Economics page on our Tree Fruit website to reflect those changes. The site contains all of…

How to Effectively Manage Codling Moth

Without any intervention, codling moth numbers increase about four-fold from generation to generation. Therefore, targeting the first generation is important to reset the population size to a minimum. Control measures for subsequent generations can be…

Apple Leafcurling Midge

A pest of apples, including ornamental malus species, the apple leafcurling midge larvae feed in the growing shoots, causing gall-like thickening and rolling the leaves. The growing point can be killed, causing stunting or branching of…

Current Status of the Powdery Mildew Fungicide Toolbox in Cherries

New research results confirm resistance to Group 11 fungicides. More than half of the powdery mildew isolates had developed various levels of DMI (Group 3) resistance. Group 3 and 11 resistance was found in all…

Q & A from “Flowering, fruit set, and pollination biology”

The following questions arrose during the discussion at the end of the presentation by Dr. Matthew Whiting on Flowering, fruit set, and pollination biology hosted by Ashley Thompson, OSU, and Bernardita Sallato, WSU. Topics covered…

New Defect ID Tools

Proper identification of damage, defects, diseases, and disorders is the first step in solving the issue and producing quality fruit. Many issues can be difficult to identify because they look similar but may have completely different causes….


WSU – OSU Webinar: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber-Physical Systems and Robotics for Agriculture

Decreasing availability and increasing cost of farm labor is a critical challenge faced by the agricultural industry around the world. Robotics has played a key role in reducing labor use and increasing productivity in farming….

How to build a soil pit to evaluate and improve your apple orchard

Bernardita Sallato demonstrates how to create and use soil pits to better manage, and improve the health of commercial apple orchards. Sallato is a Washington State University tree fruit extension specialist in Prosser, Washington.

Como construir una calicata para evaluar y mejorar tu huerto de manzana

Bernardita Sallato demuestra como crear y utilizar una calicata para mejorar la salud de los huertos de manzana comerciales y la administración de los mismos. Sallato es una especialista de la extensión de fruta de…
Washington State University