News Articles
Bring Beneficial Insects and Pollinators into your Farm
Participate in General Mills’ National Pollinator Habitat Initiative with Tree Top and get one-on-one consulting to support beneficial insects and pollinators on farm while maximizing…
The Scouting Network: A New Tool for Bio-based Pear IPM
The Scouting Network is a new tool helping pear growers transition to bio-based Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Survey on Heat and Frost Damages in Pear and Apple
We need your input! Your responses to this 10-minute survey will help us make sure our research into understanding how pear and apple trees respond…
Remove Fire Blight Cankers Now to Reduce Risk this Year
Fire blight cankers left in the orchard are the source for new infections next spring. Remove them now!
Survey – Understanding Your Perspective on Apple Fire Blight Management Systems
Researchers at Washington State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, are conducting a survey to learn about your…
Soil and Plant Diagnostic Technology for Orchard Nutrient Management
Effective nutrient management in tree fruit production requires a comprehensive understanding of multiple interacting factors, including soil conditions (physical, chemical, and biological), plant health and…
Survey on Heat and Frost Damages in Pear and Apple
We need your input! Your responses to this 10-minute survey will help us make sure our research into understanding how pear and apple trees respond…
2025 WA Tree Fruit Research Commission Grant Awards for Cherry
For 2025, the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC) approved $424,284 to help fund five (5) new projects. The Oregon Sweet Cherry Commission (OSCC) is…
The Die-Off of Generic Escherichia coli on Preharvest Apples
Key Findings and Recommendations on Time-to-Harvest Intervals for Washington Apple Growers from Two Recent Studies.
Real-Time Detection of Little Cherry Disease: Research Progress and Findings
Little Cherry Disease (LCD), caused by three pathogens – Little Cherry Virus-1 (LChV-1), Little Cherry Virus-2 (LChV-2), and X-disease phytoplasma (XDP) – poses a serious…