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News Articles

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Titer and Distribution of Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni in Prunus avium

The parallel outbreak of Little Cherry and X-disease has become a singular threat to the PNW cherry industry, causing the removal of ca. 1000 acres…

Climate Analogs for Specialty Crops: See the Future Now

This article is part of a series, Climate Friendly Fruit & Veggies, highlighting work from the Fruit & Vegetable Supply Chains: Climate Adaptation & Mitigation…

Are you interested in improving bee health in your pear block?

We are looking for pear growers interested in participating in a USDA-funded research project this Spring. The project will explore bee health at orchards under…

Precision Irrigation Scheduling Tool Now Available

It’s about to be springtime and the start of irrigation season!  Crop evapotranspiration (ET) is low in the spring compared to what it is in…

Videos: seguridad en el uso de escaleras y plataformas en la huerta

La Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) se enorgullece en anuciar la publicación del video de Seguridad en el uso de Escaleras y Plataformas en…

El desarrollo de green spot en WA 38 se ve afectado por desequilibrio nutricional y portainjerto

Green spot es un desorden que puede afectar al cultivar ‘WA 38’. En este artículo resumimos los resultados de un estudio realizado por Bernardita Sallato…

Rootstock and Nutrient Imbalance Leads to ‘‘Green Spot’’ Development in ‘WA 38’ Apples

Green spot is a disorder that can lead to considerable losses for growers of ‘WA 38’ apples, here we summarize key findings on GS in…

Join the WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center Team

WSU is recruiting a Fiscal Analyst at the Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Wenatchee. Please share with your contacts. It is critical for…

Soil Health Indicators for Central Washington orchards

To help growers in Central Washington orchards, Washington State University scientists demonstrated that Washington orchard soil health indicators should include measurements of water availability and…

New Orchard Tour Videos Posted

Convened by Dr. Stefano Musacchi, WSU hosted the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) XII Orchard Systems Symposium in July 2021. The symposium was virtual…
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Washington State University