News Articles
Robotic System for Precision Blossom Thinning in Apples
Researchers at Washington State University have designed a robotic blossom thinning system, achieving promising results for targeted flower removal.
Broadleaf Weed Management a Component of Integrated X-disease Management
Manage broadleaf weeds in cherry orchards to help reduce the risk of X-disease phytoplasma.
Manage Root Suckers – a Component of Integrated X-disease Management
Root suckers provide easily accessible feeding sites for leafhopper vectors. Root suckers also tend to have higher levels of phytoplasma earlier in the season, likely…
WSU Decision Aid System Update May 2024
Codling moth updates begin!
AgWeatherNet (AWN) Update
This month, AgWeatherNet (AWN) is highlighting our heat stress management tools as we prepare for warming temperatures.
Corina Serban Re-joins WSU Tree Fruit Extension Team
We are excited to welcome Corina Serban as the Little Cherry Disease (LCD) Information and Technology Transfer (ITT) Tree Fruit Extension Educator within the Washington…
Pruning out Fire Blight Infections
It is important to quickly prune out fire blight infected materials soon after an infection occurs to reduce the bacterial ooze which insects and wind…
Using Insect Growth Regulators as a Tool in Pear IPM
Insect growth regulators can be used as a tool as part of a pear IPM.
Temperature Inversion Forecasts Available for AgWeatherNet Mesonet Tower Stations
AgWeatherNet (AWN) has rolled out 24-hour temperature inversion forecasts for 21 Mesonet tower stations.
New entomology Endowed Chair excited about opportunity to help tree fruit industry
Tobin Northfield, WSU’s new Endowed Chair of Tree Fruit Entomology and Integrated Pest Management.