Featured below are links and a brief description to WSU YouTube videos with educational content that includes invited seminars, presentations at meetings, “how to’s” in the field, lab visits, field day events, etc. Items in the list are arranged chronologically with the newest video at the top.

Surface mulches to buffer environmental stress in tree fruit
Kirsten Hannam, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Summerland, BC presented at the 2025 Soil Con: Soil Health Workshop for Tree Fruit February 27, 2025. Thank you to funding and sponsorship from the Soil Health Initiative, WSDA,…

Lacewing releases: Increasing your odds for success
Rebecca Schmidt Jeffris, USDA ARS covered updates on the best strategies for lacewing releases based on recent studies at North Central Washington Apple Day. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU…

New codling moth tools- NCW Tree Fruit Days 2025
Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology described efficacy information on new codling moth products at North Central Washington Apple Day. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU Extension, NW Cherry Growers, Pear Bureau…

Avoiding resistance in organic codling moth management- NCW Tree Fruit Days 2025
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology described the importance of rotating products and other strategies to slow virus resistance at North Central Washington Apple Day 2025. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU…

Codling moth management reminders – NCW Tree Fruit Days 2025
Dani Gray, WSU Extension described the importance of removing wild sources, mating disruption, coverage and cultural controls at North Central Washington Apple Day 2025. Part of North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days sponsored by WSU…

Optimizing tree fruit nutrition for fruit quality
Bernardita Sallato described the basics of nutrient demand and their impact on fruit quality, tools to determine rate, and a review of monitoring strategies at NCW Stone Fruit Day 2025. Part of North Central Washington…
Panel Basic Horticulture Reminders for Stone Fruit
Horticulturalists Lee Gale and Eric Zavala describe the importance of pruning, targeting big fruit, making applications count and harvest practices for profitable cherry production at North Central Washinton Stone Fruit Day 2025. Part of North…

What Fungal Diseases are Causing Cherry Cankers in Washington and Oregon?
Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension described the results of a recent survey of cherry cankers causing dieback in Washington and Oregon conducted by Gary Grove, Tianna DuPont and Ashley Thompson and North Central Washington Stone Fruit…

Private Network Participation – the Hardware and Software
Presented by Field Meteorologist, Contezac Hill and Sean Hill, Applications Systems Analyst/Developer

WSU Weather School: Soil Moisture Sensors
A presentation by R. Troy Peters, PHD, PE, Professor/Extension Irrigation Engineer, WSU Prosser

AgWeatherNet Web Portal
AWN portal use presentation by Sean Hill, Application Systems Analyst, WSU AgWeatherNet

Technical Update for AWN
A presentation by Jonathan Contezac, Field Meteorologist at AWN Mount Vernon

AWN Overview
An overview of the WSU AgWeatherNet. AWN collects and delivers high quality, site-specific weather data and products for effective agricultural decision-support, serving irrigated agriculture in central Washington and the rest of the state (farmers, gardeners,…

Managing Mites in Pears
Rebecca Schmidt Jeffris discussed spider mites, rust mites, and blister mites: how different active ingredients work, efficacy, pesticide effects on natural enemies, weed associations and pesticide impacts on outbreaks at NCW Tree Fruit Days. NCW…

Powdery Mildew Best Management
Gary Grove, WSU Plant Pathology spoke at 2024 NCW Tree Fruit Days on powdery mildew management. Topics covered include: management starts with pruning; irrigation starts the infection cycle; importance of suckering; importance of timing products…

Earwig Trapping, Releases and Pesticide Impacts
Aldo Hanel, WSU Entomology spoke at the 2024 NCW Tree Fruit Days on earwigs for biocontrol. Moving earwigs from stone fruit to pome fruit can improve control of woolly apple aphids and pear psylla, but…

Meteorology Basics
A 25-minute crash course/Weather 101 answering basic questions about how weather works in the atmosphere.

Codling Moth Mating Disruption
Don Thomson spoke on codling moth mating disruption at the 2024 NCW Tree Fruit Days. He described the importance of point sources, weather impacts on risk and the potential for resistance. NCW Tree Fruit Days…

New Products and Approaches for Codling Moth Management
Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology spoke at the 2024 NCW Tree Fruit Days on codling moth management. She described factors influencing trap catch and two years of new product efficacy data. NCW Tree Fruit Days is…

Codling Moth: Building a Strong IPM Program
Good IPM practices combine the knowledge of biology, models, and orchard management to implement numerous control strategies. Industry leader and consultant Byron Phillips has deeply considered the influence of all factors to achieve control and…

Codling Moth: Bin Management
For decades, we have known that wooden bins are a site where codling moth can overwinter. Therefore bin management must consider the effect on IPM. Industry expert Brad Higbee shares his research and experience to…

Pre-emergent Herbicides-Timing Trials and Product
Mike discussed results from his multi-year pre-emergent herbicide timing trials at two field sites in New York. He provided some practical tips for fall herbicide applications to maximize product efficacy, and will briefly review some…

Codling Moth: Achieving Optimum Spray Coverage
Sprayer calibration and optimization per canopy architecture is achievable if it is prioritized by management and personnel have an understanding of the affect of air, nozzles, and rates on deposition. Extension Specialist, Gwen Hoheisel, provides…

Codling Moth: Considerations When Building a Spray Program
Chemical choices are clear, but the challenge is how to build a spray program that incorporates “The Decision Triad”, resistance management, and takes advantage of the selectiveness (ovicides, larvicides) of new chemistries. WSU researcher Rob…

Codling Moth: Resistance Management
Historically, the availability of different chemical choices has been driven by regulations and pesticide resistance. Understanding how the over use of chemical classes leads to the loss of products should be the foundation of a…

Codling Moth: The Effects of Netting
Netting is commonly used for sun and wind protection, but it can also be used to exclude insects from an orchard. Adrian Marshall shares research and expertise on how to implement netting for IPM.

Codling Moth: Importance of Sanitation
Orchard sanitation includes the use of tree banding and removing infested apples. While successful, they can be laborious. Washington state industry expert Mark LePierre shares his experience to ensure success.

Codling Moth: New Zealand Experience
New Zealand has successfully implemented Sterile Insect Release programs. The industry values IPM tactics and uses sterile insects as another integral tool. Principal Scientist, Jim Walker, discusses the New Zealand apple industry and the sterile…

Codling Moth: The Canadian Experience
Canada has a successful Sterile Insect Release (SIR) program that was government funded. SIR is area-wide which has disrupts mating of codling moths and allows for increased control. Melissa Tesche, General Manager of the SIR…

Codling Moth: Mating Disruption
Essential to an IPM program is understanding the different pheromone mating disruption techniques and their unique strengths and weaknesses. In this presentation, Don Thomson discusses the differences between Oriental Fruit Moth and Codling Moth (CM)…

Codling Moth: How Orchard Management and Socioeconomic Conditions Affect Codling Moth
Orchard pest management, like pruning and thinning, is expensive and conducted on viable blocks. Abandoned or neglected orchards can lead directly to high populations of codling moth infesting neighboring blocks. Industry leader and consultant Jill…

Codling Moth: Using Traps Properly
Trap placement, density, and lure type are affected by the biology and dispersion of codling moth. Knowing how to interpret counts in relation to prior experience is key in pest management.

Codling Moth: Predictive Modeling
Insect models are a mathmetical calculation to predict the expected development (phenology) of an insect, but do not always represent exact field populations. Interpretation of models will be discussed as well as the implementation within…

Codling Moth: Biology and Ecology
Successful codling moth management must begin with a a fundamental understanding codling moth history, host ranges, reproduction, and how temperature influences development. This presentation discusses critical components of biology and ecology of codling moth.

Virtual Orchard Meetups: Heat Session Grower Panel with Garrett Henry, WA & Steve Frecon, PA
Managing the Uncontrollable: Resilience to extreme events. Heat session Grower Panel.

Virtual Orchard Meetups: Heat Session with Randolph M Beaudry, Michigan State University
Managing the Uncontrollable: Resilience to extreme events. Heat Session with Randolph M Beaudry, Michigan State University.

Virtual Orchard Meetups: Heat Session with Lee Kalcsits, Washington State University
Managing the uncontrollable: resilience to extreme events

Virtual Orchard Meetups Series: Cold Session Grower Panel
Virtual Orchard Meetups: Cold Session Grower Panel

Virtual Orchard Meetups Series: Cold Session with Jason Londo
Virtual Orchard Meetups Series: Cold Session with Jason Londo

Virtual Orchard Meetups Series: Cold Session with Matthew Whiting
Virtual Orchard Meetups: Cold Session with Matthew Whiting

Biopesticides: Efficacy and Use
With increasing organic acreage and scrutiny of antibiotics use, alternatives to antibiotics for the control of fire blight are necessary. Dr. Ken Johnson, Oregon State University, talked about biopesticide efficacy and their use for the…

Managing Fire Blight Infections: Pruning, Sanitation
Is it important to quickly prune out fire blight infected materials soon after an infection occurs? How we remove them effectively? And what about sanitizing or not our tools? Tianna DuPont, Washington State University Extension,…

PACMAN Briefings: Session 1, Episode 1
Terence Robinson – Updates on horticultural work, Flow chart for Precision Crop Load

PACMAN Briefings: Session 1, Episode 2
Jon Clements – Predicting fruit set using the fruitlet growth rate model apps (Malusim & Fruit Growth)

PACMAN Briefings: Session 1, Episode 3
Brent Arnoldussen – Pollen Tube Growth Model

PACMAN Briefings: Session 1, Episode 4
Todd Einhorn – Fruit Growth Model (new method)

PACMAN Briefings: Session 2, Episode 1
Pometa – Dave Brown and Patrick Plonski

PACMAN Briefings: Session 2, Episode 2
Fruit Scout – Chris Hall and Matt King

PACMAN Briefings: Session 2, Episode 3
LaGasse/Aurea/Munckhof – Ross Kranz and Tim Cromwell

PACMAN Briefings: Session 2, Episode 4
Orchard Robotics – Charlie Wu

PACMAN Briefings: Session 2, Episode 5
Outfield–Oli Hilbourne and Andrew Schmack

PACMAN Briefings: Session 3, Episode 1
Vivid Machines – Jenny Lemieux

PACMAN Briefings: Session 3, Episode 2
AgerPix – Karina Lau

PACMAN Briefings: Session 3, Episode 3
Innov8 – Steve Mantle

PACMAN Briefings: Session 3, Episode 4
Mauricio Guerra Funes – How’s your adoption going?

PACMAN Briefings: Session 4, Episode 1
3D Imaging and Digital Twin for Specialty Crops

PACMAN Briefings: Session 4, Episode 2
Crop Load Adjustment Based on Early Flower Bud Detection

PACMAN Briefings: Session 4, Episode 3
Improving Apple Harvest with the Latest in AI Yield Estimation for Specialty Crops

PACMAN Briefings: Session 4, Episode 4
Moog’s Autonomous Journey: “Agriculture Is the Lynch Pin”

Pollination with Blue Orchard Bees – Benefits and Management
The life history and unique characteristics of blue orchard bees will be highlighted along with research on their efficacy in cherry pollination and bee reproduction in the Washington cherry environment. Presented at North Central Washington…

Powdery Mildew and Shot Hole Management
Mildew update. Resistance management. Cherry leaf spots including shot hole. Presented at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days 2023 co-hosted by WSU Extension, NCW Fieldmens Association, NW Cherry Growers and Pear Bureau Northwest.

Decoys and Waxes – Potential New Tools for the SWD Toolbox
Information will be shared of the mechanism and efficacy of two non-toxic tools in the IPM toolbox against Drosophila suzukii, (Spotted-wing drosophila, SWD). Additional information will be shared of possible integrated strategies for using these…

Phenology-based integrated pear pest management step by step
Timing and efficacy of key cultural practices and insecticide applications through-out the season. Effectiveness in 2022. Presented at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days 2023 co-hosted by WSU Extension, NCW Fieldmens Association, NW Cherry Growers,…

Rethinking Rootstock Tolerance to Replant Disease
How does rootstock tolerance differ according to genotype? Utilization of rootstocks with amendment-based disease control strategies. Improving our ability to utilize tolerant rootstocks. Presented at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days 2023 co-hosted by WSU…

Fire Blight. Refinement of Nonantibiotic Spray Programs for Fire Blight
What have we learned from 29 trials between 2013 and 2021 in Oregon. Efficacy of combined non-antibiotic programs. Presented at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days 2023 co-hosted by WSU Extension, NCW Fieldmens Association, NW…

Natural enemy conservation biological control – mitigating pesticide non-target effects
This talk will cover where to find information on pesticide non-target effects, overview pesticide non-target effects on apple natural enemies, and provide a brief research update on ongoing research. Presented at North Central Washington Tree…

The Role of Rootstocks in Plant Nutrition
How does rootstock tolerance differ according to genotype? Utilization of rootstocks with amendment-based disease control strategies. Improving our ability to utilize tolerant rootstocks. Presented at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days 2023 co-hosted by WSU…

Pollination with Blue Orchard Bees – Benefits and Management
The life history and unique characteristics of blue orchard bees will be highlighted along with research on their efficacy in cherry pollination and bee reproduction in the Washington cherry environment. Presented at North Central Washington…

Stone Fruit Viruses
In addition to little cherry virus a number of viruses affect sweet cherry. Cherry leafroll, prune dwarf virus, cherry mottle leaf, cherry rasp leaf, cherry twisted leaf, necrotic rusty mottle, rogose mosaic. Presented at North…

Apple IPM Reminders
Effective codling moth management as a basis for apple IPM. Mating disruption, monitoring, organic controls. New research. Presented at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days 2023 co-hosted by WSU Extension, NCW Fieldmens Association, NW Cherry…
Understanding Carbon Footprint in Tree Fruit: Industry Panel
These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC). We bought in global, national, and regional expertise…
Proposing a system to measure carbon fluxes in apple orchards. Dr. Andrew Bierer
These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC). We bought in global, national, and regional expertise…
Carbon models for organic soil amendments. Dr. Ball.
These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC). We bought in global, national, and regional expertise…
Understanding the carbon footprint: Case studies in tree fruit. Dr. Arellano.
These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC). We bought in global, national, and regional expertise…
Consumer Preferences for Pears
Carolyn Ross, Ann Colonna, and Karina Gallardo will discuss extensive research conducted last winter with over 20 pear varieties aimed at understanding which characteristics consumers in the Pacific Northwest prefer.
Understanding the carbon footprint of tree fruit: Dr. Arellano
These video series correspond to an educational forum hosted by WSU Tree Fruit Extensio, Washington Soil Health Initiative (WaSHI) and the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission (WTFRC). We bought in global, national, and regional expertise…
2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series – Technology
This is the fourth presentation in the 2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup series, recorded on July 14, 2022. The 2022 series theme is Orchard Efficiencies: Labor and Technology. This fourth webinar focused on academic researchers with…

2022 Virtual Orchard Meetup Series – Labor session 2
This second webinar included legal considerations and labor efficiency, with emphasis on the H2a program. Panelist included Dr. Brooke Duer, Dr. Philip Martin, and Dr. John Van de Vegte

Importance of Sanitation for Codling Moth
This interview was conducted as part of the 2022 Codling Moth Summit. It features expert advice from Mark LePierre, a consultant and farm manager who has 30+ years of experience. Specifically, he discusses the practices…

Codling Moth Orchard Management and Socioeconomic Considerations
A Codling Moth Summit was held in February 2022 to highlight and capture known research and best practices for IPM programs in codling moth control. This interview with Jill Tonne from Nutrien highlights essential practices…

Root Health, Fertility, Water, and Crop load Effects on Bitter Pit
Bernardita Sallato, WSU Extension reviews factors contributing to bitter pit in WA and targeted management at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days.

Season Long IPM Management for Pear Psylla
Pear psylla phenology, pre‐bloom kaolin and insect growth regulators, summer pruning, timing honeydew washes, summer covers, fall kaolin. A presentation by Louis Nottingham, WSU Entomology at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days.

Climate Outlook and Considerations for Washington Tree Fruit Production
Sonia Hall WSU CSANR. Expected changes in climate, ongoing research areas, including future chilling hours, sunburn and irrigation water availability. North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days.
Codling Moth Management Tools
The research and how to use it on SIR, netting and other tools to add to high pressure codling moth blocks. Presented by Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days January…
Insights from the Codling Moth Survey ‐ Where are We?
Summary of Codling Moth Task Force survey by Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology at North Central Washington Tree Fruit Days January 2022.

La importancia del análisis foliar
Para mantener un huerto saludable, Bernadita Sallato recomienda monitoreo del estado nutricional del huerto usando la herramienta del análisis foliar.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Post Harvest. Part 4. Brainstorming.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Post harvest session. Brainstorming session. Bernardita Sallato talks about a new problem WA growers are facing with Honeycrisp she has been investigating. Experts from Cornell University, Michigan State University, Washington State University and…
Honeycrisp Meetup: Post Harvest Part 3. Q&A
Honeycrisp Meetup: Post harvest session. Questions and Answers regarding Honeycrisp post harvest management. Include faculty experts from Cornell University, Michigan State University, Washington State University and experienced growers: Bruce Allen, Washington and Chris Kropf, Michigan….

Honeycrisp Meetup: Post Harvest. Part 2.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Post harvest session. Dr. Christopher Watkins, Cornell University. Shares a short overview about the effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on Post Harvest Management. Webinar series hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Post Harvest. Part 1.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Post harvest Session. Dr. Randy Beaudry, Michigan State University professor, gives an overview of Honeycrisp problems during storage. Meeting hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University and…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient Management. Grower video clip
This video is a clip of the 2021 IFTA Virtual Honeycrisp Tour, in which nutrient management was discussed. It should be watched as a ‘teaser’ for the 2021 Honeycrisp Virtual Meetup, Webinar #3 on nutrient…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient management part 4
Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient management Part 4. Panel discussion with the participation of grower panel: Rod Farrow (NY), Chris Kropf (MI) and Bruce Allen (WA), researchers: Lailiang Cheng, Cornell University, Essie Fallahi, University of Idaho, Lee…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient management Part 3
Honeycrips Meetup: Nutrient management Part 3. Lee Kalcsits, Washington State University, talks about influence of rootstock, crop load, and calcium sprays on Honeycrisp apples

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient Management Part 2
Honeycrips Meetup: Nutrient management. Professor Essie Fallahi, University of Idaho shares key findings on the influence of rootstock and crop load management on Honeycrips apples.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Nutrient Management Part 1
Honeycrisp Meetup: Lailiang Cheng, Cornell University, highlight the importance of nitrogen management on Honeycrisp and fruit sampling for bitter pit prediction.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstock Part 1
Honeycrisp Meetup: Rootstocks Part 1. Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension. Part 1: Terence Robinson, Cornell University talks about…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 4. Q and A
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 4. Questions and Answers, Hosted by Mario Miranda Sazo, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Anna Wallis, Michigan State University Extension and and Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 3.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 3. Video clip with WA grower Bruce Allen, MI grower Chris Kropf, and NY growers Jason Woodworth and Jose Iñiguez talking about crop load management strategies. Supported by IFTA and…

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 2.
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 2. Stefano Musacchi, Washington State University explains the relation between crop load and roostock with fruit quality parameters.

Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 1
Honeycrisp Meetup: Crop Load Part 1. Introduction to the Honeycrisp Meetup Series developed in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension, Michigan State University Extension and Washington State University Extension. Part 1. Terence Robinson, Cornell University talks…