Use of Protective Netting in Washington State Apple Production
G Mupambi, D Layne, L Kalcsits, S Musacchi, S Serra, T Schmidt, and I Hanrahan. 2019. TB60E. WSU Extension Pubs. Washington State (WA) is the…
Protective Netting Improves Leaf-level Photosynthetic Light Use Efficiency in ‘Honeycrisp’ Apple Under Heat Stress
G Mupambi, S Musacchi, S Serra, L Kalcsits, D Layne, and T Schmidt. 2018. HortScience 53(10): 1416-1422. DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI13096-18
Postharvest Dry Matter and Soluble Solids Content Prediction in d’Anjou and Bartlett Pear Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy
A. Goke, S. Serra, S. Musacchi. 2018. Hortscience 53(5):669-680.
Characterization of a novel self-incompatibility allele in Malus and S– genotyping of select crabapple cultivars
R. Sheick, S. Serra, P. De Franceschi, L. Dondini, S. Musacchi. 2018. Scientia Horticulturae 240:186-195.
Optimization of Leaf Area Estimation in a High-Density Apple Orchard Using Hemispherical Photography
A. Knerl, B. Anthony, S. Serra, S. Musacchi. 2018. HortScience 53(6):799-804.
Recent Trends in Certified Organic Tree Fruit in Washington State: 2017
The following slide set presents the current data on organic tree fruit area and production for Washington State, with some associated global and national data.…
Pruning of Manchurian Crabapple for Management of Speck Rot and Sphaeropsis Rot in Apple
Abstract. Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis and Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens are fungal pathogens that cause postharvest speck rot and Sphaeropsis rot, respectively, in apple. Under quarantine regulations established by…
Anthracnose Canker Management Plan for Commercial Apple Orchards in Western Washington
Information for managing anthracnose canker, a major disease limiting apple production in western Washington, western British Columbia, and the Columbia Gorge.
The influence of protective netting on tree physiology and fruit quality of apple: A review
G. Mupambi, B. Anthony, D. Layne, S. Musacchi, S. Serra, T. Schmidt, L. Kalcsits. 2018. Scientia Horticulturae 236:60-72.
Apple fruit quality: Overview on pre-harvest factors
S. Musacchi, S. Serra. 2018. Scientia Horticulturae 234:409-430.