Chris Strohm, WSU Extension shares recent case studies and research trials describing the use and efficacy of honeydew washing systems to improve IPM in Pear.
Don Thompson with Pacific BioControl describes how mating disruption works, best management practices for working with different emitter types and the potential for resistance to…
X-disease and Little Cherry Disease Introduction and Importance
A brief introduction to X-disease and Little Cherry Disease pathogens, symptoms, vectors, distribution and economic impacts by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension at Cherry Institute 2021.…
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology describes ID, trapping, and recent research for leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma. Cherry Institute 2021. Sponsored by NW Cherry Growers and…
Tree Removal for X-disease and Little Cherry Disease
General tree removal recommendations and new trial results presented by Cody Molnar, WSU ITT Extension and Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension. Cherry Institute 2021. Sponsored by…
Marketing Cherries Internationally During a Pandemic
In the foreign markets, the 2020 Northwest cherry crop found itself faced with numerous challenges such as closed borders, city lockdowns, lack of air transportation,…