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Stemilt Bi-axis Pear Block Virtual Tour

WTFRC's Tory Schmidt hosts this virtual tour of the Stemilt pear block that utilizes the bi-axis technique.

X-disease Vector Management Trials

Adrian Marshall, WSU Entomology explains how kaolin clay and Extenday applications are being tested to control important leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma.

Time-lapse Fire Blight Disease Progression in Apple: Differing Responses among Three Cultivars

A time-lapse video depicting the progression of fire blight symptoms in three apple scion cultivars all propagated onto M. 111 Rootstocks.

WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Q&A with Dr. Whiting on Harvest Efficiency Trials

Questions and Answers on Sweet Cherry Harvest Efficiency trials with Matthew Whiting, Luke Anderson and Suzanne Bishop.

WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Allan Brothers Inc Q&A Part 1

Introduction to Allan Brothers Inc and our host Suzanne Bishop, Director of R&D and Luke Anderson, Area Production Manager. Introduction to the Zillah Ranch and…

WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Allan Brothers Q&A, Part 2.

Part 2: Allan Brothers Inc R&D director Suzanne Bishop and Area Production Manager, Luke Anderson, discussing vigor management for 'Sweetheart/Mazzard' combination, training, wood renewal, light…

WSU Virtual Cherry Field day; Allan Brothers Q&A, Part 3.

Part 3: Allan Brothers Inc R&D director Suzanne Bishop and Area Production Manager, Luke Anderson, discussing cultivar/rootstock selection, stress management practices, powdery mildew management.

Manejo de Vectores de Fitoplasma X (X-disease Vector Management)

Autores Tianna DuPont, WSU Extensión; Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomologia. Videografía y producción Ricardo Naranjo, WSU Extensión. Apoyo de fondos de la Comisión de Investigación de…

Síntomas de Fitoplasma X y Little Cherry Virus

El X- fitoplasma y el Little Cherry Virus 2 causan frutos pequeños, pálidos y deformados en las cerezas. Este video muestra las síntomas en una…

WSU Virtual Field day: Little Cherry Disease updates by Scott Harper

Scott Harper, Assistant Professor and Director of the Clean Plant Center Northwest gave a brief update on Little Cherry Disease in our WSU - OSU…
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Washington State University