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X-disease Vector Management

Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology shows how to identify and trap for important leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma.

Using Irrigation Sensors – Troy Peters

WSU Biological Systems Engineering's Troy Peters describes common types of irrigation sensors and how to use them. Part of 'Virtual Fielday' May 2020. Virtual Field…

Monitoreo y muestreo para la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña

Recomendaciones para el monitoreo y toma de muestras para identificar la presencia o ausencia de la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña en sus huertas.

Cost Share Availability – Irrigation Efficiencies Virtual Field Day

Sandy Letzing, Cascadia Conservation discusses cost share availability at ‘virtual field day’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters,…

Irrigation Sensors with Jac LeRoux – Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears Virtual Field Day

Jac LeRoux, Wilbur Ellis company discusses irrigation sensors at WSU Extension ‘Virtual Field Day’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension,…

Scouting and Sampling for Little Cherry Disease – Part 2 – WSU-OSU Webinar Session 3

Scouting and Sampling for Little Cherry and its Vectors – Part of the WSU-OSU Webinar Series session #3. Summary: Tobin Northfield will share scouting methods…

Scouting and Sampling for Little Cherry Disease – Part 1 – WSU-OSU Webinar Session 3

Scott Harper, WSU Plant Pathology, and Tianna DuPont, WSU Tree Fruit Extension, will discuss scouting and sampling for X Phytoplasma and Little Cherry Virus including…

Long Case Study Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears

Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension discusses with grower Brandon Long the results of a case study plot they implemented in a pear block with a history…

Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears Caudle Case Study

Pear irrigation systems can have challenges such as low pressure, run off, too much or too little water and clogging filters resulting in pears with…

WSU – OSU Webinar: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber-Physical Systems and Robotics for Agriculture

Decreasing availability and increasing cost of farm labor is a critical challenge faced by the agricultural industry around the world. Robotics has played a key…
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Washington State University