Integrated Management of Postharvest Diseases of Pome Fruit
Dr. David Sugar (Oregon State University) emphasizes the management of postharvest diseases caused by fungi that enter pears through wounds (particularly during the harvest process).
A Tale of Two Mites: Ambyldromella caudiglans and Galendromus occidentalis in Washington Apple
Ms. Schmidt-Jeffris discusses predatory mite biodiversity in Washington apple orchards. She offered a brief history of integrated mite management in apple in the Pacific Northwest.
Root Physiology and Function in the Orchard
Dr. Lee Kalcsits provides an educational presentation reviewing root function and physiology in the orchard during the program “Roots: Foundation of Your Orchard’s Success” at…
Roots Program Speaker Panel Question and Answer Session
More Video recording of the panel discussion with Dr. Lee Kalcsits, WSU-TFREC (Wenatchee, WA), Dr. Gennaro Fazio, USDA-ARS (Geneva, NY), and Dr. Mark Mazzola, USDA-ARS (Wenatchee,…
Roots and Soil Biology: Managing the “Microherd” for Maximum Tree Performance
More Video presentation by Speaker #4 – Dr. Mark Mazzola, USDA-ARS (Wenatchee, WA), as part of the program “Roots: Foundation of Your Orchard’s Success” at the 2014…
Characteristics of Tree Root Systems
More Video presentation by Speaker #3 – Dr. David Eissenstat, Penn State Univ. (University Park, PA), as part of the program “Roots: Foundation of Your Orchard’s…
Optimal Tree Nutrition and Fruit Production Begins Underground – The Apple Rootstock Story
Dr. Gennaro Fazio provides an educational presentation reviewing the role of rootstock in apple tree nutrition and fruit production during the program “Roots: Foundation of…
Fruit Testing at the WSU Apple Breeding Program
More Dr. Kate Evans and her apple breeding team take us on a tour during a typical day in her Fruit Quality Evaluation Laboratory. Specifically,…
The Hows and Whys of Soil Testing
More This video captures an invited seminar by Dr. Joan Davenport, WSU Crop and Soil Sciences Dept. (IAREC-Prosser, WA), presented at WSU-TFREC in Wenatchee on…
Cosmic Crisp™ WA 38 Field Days
More This video was recorded at two commercial grower field days on September 17 and 30, 2014. It provides the viewer with a look at…