September 2022
Día de Campo en WSU Sunrise- WA38 Análisis de Almidón 2022 (WA38 Field Day in Spanish – Sunrise, TFREC)
Fecha: September 22, 2022 Lugar: Huerta Experimental Sunrise- TFREC. Direccion: 115 Sunrise Court. Rock Island, WA 98850 Hora: 10:00 am -12:00pm Idioma: Español. Durante este evento aprenderemos/recordaremos como evaluar el índice de almidón en fruta de WA38, y escucharemos algunas recomendaciones generales a tener en cuenta durante la cosecha. Se recomienda traer 10 manzanas representativas de su huerto. Patrocinadores: WSU Extension y WTFRC Contacto: Jenny Bolivar-Medina j.bolivarmedina@wsu.edu WA38 Field Day in Spanish- Starch Index Date: September 22, 2022 Place: Huerta Experimental…
Find out more »October 2022
Which irrigation strategies can we use in our orchard to improve productivity and fruit quality? We will discuss the physiological response of fruit trees to deficit irrigation, how we can obtain optimal timings for our orchard and which technology is available for an automated irrigation system. Speakers Víctor Blanco obtained his Ph.D. in Agronomy with the study of the agronomic and physiological basis for automating regulated deficit irrigation in sweet cherry trees. At the WSU, he is focusing on broaden…
Find out more »July 2023
Crop Load Management Technology Field Day
Field Day will include overview of Precision Crop Load Management in Apple SCRI project and commercial crop load management technology demonstrations. Registration is requested to ensure sufficient water, snacks and handouts.
Find out more »June 2024
WA 64 Spring Field Tour North Central Washington
Join Kate Evans, Stefano Musacchi and Bernardita Sallato who will talk about the new apple variety WA 64 in two field tours. Learn what we know so far about this new apple and how to grow it.
Find out more »August 2024
WSU-USDA Tree Fruit Research Field Day Sunrise Orchard
Join the WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center and USDA-ARS Wenatchee for a field day Tuesday August 6, 2024. This field day is designed to highlight the latest research for growers, consultants, packers, industry professionals, university researchers and staff. We hope you will take home new ideas and enjoy a morning full of new information and networking with your peers.
Find out more »September 2024
WA 64 Pre-Harvest Field Tour North Central Washington
Join Kate Evans, Stefano Musacchi and Bernardita Sallato who will talk about the new apple variety WA 64 in two field tours. Learn what we know so far about this new apple and how to grow it.
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