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WA experience with CA regimes for extended storage in sweet cherry

Carolina Torres, WSU Postharvest Endowed Chair, addressed the goals for extended storage of WA industry and the results of different storage regimes for the main…

Automation Mechanization in sweet cherries. Dr. Matthew Whiting

This presentation describes nearly two decades of research by Whiting's lab using a total systems approach for developing and adopting automation and mechanization in the…

Impact of Nutrients in Sweet Cherry Quality

Bernardita Sallato, WSU Tree Fruit Extension provide a review on recent findings regarding fruit quality and fruit nutrient levels.

Apple Life Cycle

Giving Shape to Sustainability: What is the climate footprint of a WA apple? Georgine Yorgey, Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, WSU, June 2023

Codling Moth: Building a Strong IPM Program

Good IPM practices combine the knowledge of biology, models, and orchard management to implement numerous control strategies. Industry leader and consultant Byron Phillips has deeply…

Codling Moth: Bin Management

For decades, we have known that wooden bins are a site where codling moth can overwinter. Therefore bin management must consider the effect on IPM.…

Pre-emergent Herbicides-Timing Trials and Product

Mike discussed results from his multi-year pre-emergent herbicide timing trials at two field sites in New York. He provided some practical tips for fall herbicide…

Codling Moth: Achieving Optimum Spray Coverage

Sprayer calibration and optimization per canopy architecture is achievable if it is prioritized by management and personnel have an understanding of the affect of air,…

Codling Moth: Considerations When Building a Spray Program

Chemical choices are clear, but the challenge is how to build a spray program that incorporates “The Decision Triad”, resistance management, and takes advantage of…

Codling Moth: Resistance Management

Historically, the availability of different chemical choices has been driven by regulations and pesticide resistance. Understanding how the over use of chemical classes leads to…
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Washington State University