New Products and Approaches for Codling Moth Management
Betsy Beers, WSU Entomology spoke at the 2024 NCW Tree Fruit Days on codling moth management. She described factors influencing trap catch and two years…
Pruning WA 38 with Andres Romero (English captions)
Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension specialist, interviews Andrés 'Andy' Romero, Olsen Brothers, to learn about their strategies to prune WA 38.
Pruning basics with Bernardita Sallato (English subtitles)
Bernardita Sallato, Washington State University Extension specialist, discusses fruiting and vegetative buds during a video on pruning strategies she produced in English and Spanish in…
WA experience with CA regimes for extended storage in sweet cherry
Carolina Torres, WSU Postharvest Endowed Chair, addressed the goals for extended storage of WA industry and the results of different storage regimes for the main…
Automation Mechanization in sweet cherries. Dr. Matthew Whiting
This presentation describes nearly two decades of research by Whiting's lab using a total systems approach for developing and adopting automation and mechanization in the…
Giving Shape to Sustainability: What is the climate footprint of a WA apple? Georgine Yorgey, Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, WSU, June 2023
Good IPM practices combine the knowledge of biology, models, and orchard management to implement numerous control strategies. Industry leader and consultant Byron Phillips has deeply…