Join us as we celebrate the
Past, Present, and Future of IAREC
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Program begins at 4 pm with a reception to follow from 5–6 pm Come meet our faculty and students!
24106 N. Bunn Road, Prosser, WA 99350
Please RSVP by September 25, 2019 at jamie.meek@wsu.edu
Confirmed Speakers:
Kirk Schulz, President, Washington State University
André-Denis Wright, Dean, College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences
Learn about past innovations and research being pursued at IAREC, meet the next generation of scientists dedicated to agriculture, and see the unveiling of a new display for the Benton County Museum.
download brochure
For questions of additional information: Jamie Meek, 509-786-9231, jamie.meek@wsu.edu