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Next Gen Network: Technology for Next Generation Tree Fruit
February 1, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Do you want to identify important needs for new technology to improve the profitability and sustainability of the Washington Tree Fruit Industry for the Next Generation? Come and join our facilitated discussion with technology entrepreneurs.
Format: We will discuss what technology you (the Next Generation of Tree Fruit leaders) think is critical for our industry. Technology entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to ask questions, identify new needs and meet with potential partners.
Speaker: Ines Hanrahan from the Tree Fruit Research Commission will provide an update on harvest automation technology.
Networking and Lunch: Networking is an important part of Next Generation Network events. Lunch will be sponsored by the North Central Washington Fieldmen’s Assocation.
Registration: Please register here. We need a headcount for food and seating is limited.
Next Generation Tree Fruit Network: Supporting the Future Faces of Farming. We offer educational opportunities for Young and Next Generation Growers, Managers & Field staff.
Thank you sponsors: North Central Washington Fieldmen’s Association.
Note. This is an in-person event. Networking and discussion are important parts of the Next Generation Network. To facilitate listening in from some of our technology providers the following is a zoom link. https://wsu.zoom.us/j/8297476290?pwd=a1BPMnR0YnFnTFhmWnpSeUxvSGJpZz09 Meeting ID: 829 747 6290 Passcode: 1111 We apologize in advance if this set up is not optimal as it is an add on.