Bitter pit prediction methods for Honey crisp. Managing earwigs. Codling moth traps and Little Cherry Disease sampling, plus newly updated little cherry pages with printable…
All about diseases! Fire blight susceptibility in apple cultivars, Mildew control in apples and Powdery Mildew management in cherries to reduce the risk of fungicide…
WA 38 Starch Scale for the Washington State Apple industry by Ines Hanrahan and Marcella Marcella Galeni, WTFRC. Pear Psylla Update and Soft Spray Strategies…
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) for cold damage in tree fruit. 2019 crop protection guide is now available. Register soon for the WSU Cherry Fruit School!. FSMA…
Q&A with Scott Harper on Little Cherry Virus and Western X Disease. Fire blight winter management. FMSA training. WSU Cherry Fruit School registrations open.