Lacewing and Aphid Scouting
An instructional video describing methods for scouting for aphids and lacewings in apple orchards. This video was produced by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension and Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, USDA-ARS as part of SARE Project SW24-004: Developing best…

Stone Fruit Viruses
In addition to little cherry virus a number of viruses affect sweet cherry. Cherry leafroll, prune dwarf virus, cherry mottle leaf, cherry rasp leaf, cherry twisted leaf, necrotic rusty mottle, rogose mosaic. Presented at North…
Cómo verificar si hay daños en la yema de la manzana en el árbol
¿Busca daños en los brotes de manzana? Observe cómo Bernardita Sallato, de la Universidad Estatal de Washington, muestra cómo cortar y evaluar rápidamente los capullos de manzana en el árbol e identificar los daños en…
WSU Weather School Video
Meteorologic Basics by Jon Boomgard-Zagrodnik
How to check for apple bud damage on the tree
Looking for apple bud damage? Watch as Washington State University’s Matthew Whiting shows how to quickly cut and evaluate apple buds on the tree and identify flower part damage

Soil Health in Orchards
Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension shares the results of recent work surveying soil health in Central Washington Orchards.

How Soil Health Management Practices Affect Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Root Health
Tom Forge, AgriFood Canada describes the impacts of plant parasitic nematodes on root health and potential management strategies.

Soil Organic Matter Demonstration
A video demonstration of two ways to measure active carbon in orchard soils: permanganate oxidizable carbon and particulate organic matter. Authors Tianna DuPont, Andy McGuire, David Granatstein, WSU Extension.

Soil Available Water Capacity Demonstration
The available water capacity of soil is the amount of water that is held in the soil which is available for plants. This video contains a short illustration of available water from orchard soils. Authors…
Root Health Rating Demonstration
This video shows two methods researchers use to compare soil borne disease pressure on plant roots.

Soil Structure Demonstration: Aggregate Stability
Soil structure and its stability affect the movement and storage of water, aeration, erosion, biological activity and growth of crops. This short demonstration explains how aggregate stability can be measured.
Soil Structure: Water Infiltration and Compaction Demonstration
A video demonstration of measurements of soil structure in orchards including water infiltration and compaction. Authors Tianna DuPont, Andy McGuire, David Granatstein, WSU Extension.

Techniques to Maintain Adequate Plant Nutrition
Bernardita Sallato describes methods to evaluate limiting factors related to plant nutrition in orchards.

Using Organic Amendments to Improve Soil Health
David Granatstein, WSU Extension Emeritus reviews the use of mulches, mow-and-blow, wood chips and living covers in orchards.

La importancia del análisis foliar
Para mantener un huerto saludable, Bernadita Sallato recomienda monitoreo del estado nutricional del huerto usando la herramienta del análisis foliar.

Symptoms of X-disease Phytoplasma in Stone Fruit
X-disease in peaches, plums and nectarines causes yellow leaves, shot hole and small deformed fruit.

Symptoms of Little Cherry Virus and X-disease Phytoplasma
X-disease phytoplasma and Little cherry virus 2 cause small, pale deformed fruit in cherries. This video shows symptoms in a number of varieties.

Scouting and Sampling for Little Cherry Disease
Tips on scouting and sampling for X-disease and Little cherry disease which cause small, pale unmarketable fruit in cherries.
X-disease and Little Cherry Virus Extent and Impact in the Pacific Northwest
X-disease and Little cherry virus cause small, light colored cherries. More than 238,856 trees equivalent to 974 acres of sweet cherries have been removed due to X-disease and Little Cherry Disease between 2015 and 2020…
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Cherry Harvest Efficiency Trials
Dr. Matthew Whiting describes several years of studies on sweet cherry harvest efficiency.

Enfermedad de la cereza pequeña en cerezos
Bernardita Sallato comparte información respecto a la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña, síntomas para su identificación, medidas de prevención y control de vectores.
Nutrient differences in WA 38 apples with and without green spot
Bernardita Sallato explains nutrient composition differences between WA 38 apples with and without green spot, and how rootstock and growing systems can influence green spot development.
Síntomas de Fitoplasma X en Frutas de Hueso
X-disease in peaches, plums and nectarines causes yellow leaves, shot hole and small deformed fruit.
The Role of Dendrometers for Irrigation Management in Apple
This video is a recording of the webinar “The Role of Dendrometers for Irrigation Management in Apple” presenting information on the types and uses of dendrometer sensors and the data they collect. Includes discussion on…
X-disease Vector Management Trials
Adrian Marshall, WSU Entomology explains how kaolin clay and Extenday applications are being tested to control important leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma.
Time-lapse Fire Blight Disease Progression in Apple: Differing Responses among Three Cultivars
A time-lapse video depicting the progression of fire blight symptoms in three apple scion cultivars all propagated onto M. 111 Rootstocks.
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Q&A with Dr. Whiting on Harvest Efficiency Trials
Questions and Answers on Sweet Cherry Harvest Efficiency trials with Matthew Whiting, Luke Anderson and Suzanne Bishop.
WSU Virtual Cherry Field day: Allan Brothers Inc Q&A Part 1
Introduction to Allan Brothers Inc and our host Suzanne Bishop, Director of R&D and Luke Anderson, Area Production Manager. Introduction to the Zillah Ranch and discussions about their ‘Sweetheart/Mazzard’ Y-Trellis block, including establishment, pruning and…
Manejo de Vectores de Fitoplasma X (X-disease Vector Management)
Autores Tianna DuPont, WSU Extensión; Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomologia. Videografía y producción Ricardo Naranjo, WSU Extensión. Apoyo de fondos de la Comisión de Investigación de Frutas de Árbol del estado de Washington.
Síntomas de Fitoplasma X y Little Cherry Virus
El X- fitoplasma y el Little Cherry Virus 2 causan frutos pequeños, pálidos y deformados en las cerezas. Este video muestra las síntomas en una serie de variedades.
WSU Virtual Field day: Little Cherry Disease updates by Scott Harper
Scott Harper, Assistant Professor and Director of the Clean Plant Center Northwest gave a brief update on Little Cherry Disease in our WSU – OSU Virtual Cherry Field day hosted by Matt Whiting and Bernardita…
X-disease Vector Management
Tobin Northfield, WSU Entomology shows how to identify and trap for important leafhopper vectors of X-disease phytoplasma.
Using Irrigation Sensors – Troy Peters
WSU Biological Systems Engineering’s Troy Peters describes common types of irrigation sensors and how to use them. Part of ‘Virtual Fielday’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters, WSU…

Monitoreo y muestreo para la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña
Recomendaciones para el monitoreo y toma de muestras para identificar la presencia o ausencia de la enfermedad de la cereza pequeña en sus huertas.
Cost Share Availability – Irrigation Efficiencies Virtual Field Day
Sandy Letzing, Cascadia Conservation discusses cost share availability at ‘virtual field day’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters, WSU Biological Systems Engineering, Lee Kalcsits, WSU Horticulture. Project funders…
Irrigation Sensors with Jac LeRoux – Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears Virtual Field Day
Jac LeRoux, Wilbur Ellis company discusses irrigation sensors at WSU Extension ‘Virtual Field Day’ May 2020. Virtual Field Day hosted by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension, Troy Peters, WSU Biological Systems Engineering, Lee Kalcsits, WSU Horticulture….
Scouting and Sampling for Little Cherry Disease – Part 1 – WSU-OSU Webinar Session 3
Scott Harper, WSU Plant Pathology, and Tianna DuPont, WSU Tree Fruit Extension, will discuss scouting and sampling for X Phytoplasma and Little Cherry Virus including recognizing symptoms, what to sample, where and when to sample….
Long Case Study Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears
Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension discusses with grower Brandon Long the results of a case study plot they implemented in a pear block with a history of cork. Watering using data from irrigation sensors reduced cork…
Improving Irrigation Efficiency in Pears Caudle Case Study
Pear irrigation systems can have challenges such as low pressure, run off, too much or too little water and clogging filters resulting in pears with cork or small size. Larry and Renee Caudle in Dryden…
WSU – OSU Webinar: Artificial Intelligence, Cyber-Physical Systems and Robotics for Agriculture
Decreasing availability and increasing cost of farm labor is a critical challenge faced by the agricultural industry around the world. Robotics has played a key role in reducing labor use and increasing productivity in farming….

How to build a soil pit to evaluate and improve your apple orchard
Bernardita Sallato demonstrates how to create and use soil pits to better manage, and improve the health of commercial apple orchards. Sallato is a Washington State University tree fruit extension specialist in Prosser, Washington.

Como construir una calicata para evaluar y mejorar tu huerto de manzana
Bernardita Sallato demuestra como crear y utilizar una calicata para mejorar la salud de los huertos de manzana comerciales y la administración de los mismos. Sallato es una especialista de la extensión de fruta de…

Flowering Fruit Set & Pollination
Flowering is a critical time for growers because fertilization rate has a fundamental relationship to yield and there is a short window of opportunity to set the crop for the year. The processes of pollination…
Taking time when testing WA 38 (COSMIC CRISP®) maturity
Ines Hanrahan, executive director of the Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, shows differences in testing apple maturity between Granny Smith and WA 38 (COSMIC CRISP®) using an iodine starch test. Learn more about the recently…

Para mejorar la calidad de fruta, utilice el análisis de suelo
El análisis de suelo es fundamental para el manejo de la nutrición del huerto. En este video, Bernardita Sallato nos muestra cómo tomar la muestra de suelo en un huerto frutal. https://www.youtube.com

The Soil is Alive
A diverse abundant soil food web cycles water and nutrients, suppresses plant pathogens and helps buffer plant stress. Feed the soil food web to improve plant health. Animated video by Tianna DuPont, WSU Extension and…
How to Postharvest: PNW Dark Sweet Cherry Development Chart Index
Tutorial video on how to use the new Pacific NorthWest Dark Sweet Cherry Development Index Chart developed by Oregon State University. Spreadsheet is available for download below (“More” Section) or at: https://treefruit.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Cherry-color-chart-size-prediction.xlsx
How to Postharvest: Atago Pocket Brix-Acid Meter
Dr. Rob Blakey demonstrates how to use the ATAGO pocket Brix-Acid meter to determine total soluble solids and titratable acidity for apples. Both the “quick” method and “accurate” method are described.
Orchard Biorenovation
Abundant, active soil biota benefit your crops and your bottom line. Learn about a new biologically based technique to control apple replant disease while supporting beneficial soil biota and long term profits. Direction and illustration…

Pruning Bartlett Pears to Optimize Fruit Quality
Dr. Stefano Musacchi provides a tutorial on pruning Bartlett pear trees to optimize fruit quality. This includes using the concept of dynamic or renewal pruning, and the techniques of girdling, notching and limb bending. He…
Weed Control in Orchards
On January 19, 2015 David Granatstein spoke at the Lake Chelan Hort Day about why weed control is needed in orchards, weed control options, herbicides and other choices, and economics. He also discussed the results…
Utilizing the WSU-DAS Version of the Spray Guide
Dr. Ute Chambers explains how the WSU Decision Aid System (http://das.wsu.edu) can be used as a tool for making decisions for managing pests in your orchard. She also spoke about some new features including e-mail…