Sweet cherry doubling, leaf tissue sampling for nutrient analyses, irrigation and heat monitoring and more resources for Little Cherry Disease management. If you missed our…
May Sweet Cherry special, plus some timely important information. Updated resources on Little Cherry Disease, Nutrient Management on Sweet cherry, Breeding program updates and more.
Review the latest information on how to assess cold damage in sweet cherry and apple flowers. Review new updates on Little Cherry Disease and Leafhopper…
Tree removal for X-disease & LCD, Search for endowed chair of bacterial pathogens, Codling moth survey, WA 38 videos, Cherry powdery mildew videos, Airblast 101…
WSU DAS registration open; Microbial bio-inoculants project; Apple replant IPM; Prebloom PP mgt.; Tree Fruit Days recording available; Cherry Institute recordings available; CM Survey; Upcoming…
Inside this issue: Pear IPM Webinar, New USDA Funded Projects, X-Disease, X-Disease/LCD Impact Survey, Water Management Survey, Research Reviews, lots of videos, and publications